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Kathryn was also known as Pidge - especially around officers and military personnel.

Apparently, he's not the only one wanted by Iverson.

"You actually broke into the archives!?" Keith shouted, eyes blown wide.

Kathryn shrugged, slurpping her noodles. "Quiznak yeah I did. I knew Iverson was hiding something from me. I dug up his shallowly buried secrets about that mission. He knows something."

Keith nodded. "I know. I think that's one reason why he booted me."

"Because you were figuring it out." Kathryn nodded with a smile, leaning back on Ivy. "He despises people who easily figures him out."

"I think I noticed." Keith mused, setting aside his bowl. "So I have another question about Ivy."

Kathryn hummed, letting Ivy have the rest of her noodles.

Keith watched, momentarily wondering if that was something the lion could eat. "Where has she been all this time?"

The woodland fairy looked up at him, stroking her lion between her rounded ears. "The forest just outside of New Altea. She basically was hibernating until she found me; her chosen paladin." She explained softly, Ivy purring in agreement.

"So there's only two current paladins?"

"Well, no." Kathryn looked back down to Ivy nudging the bowl aside. "There are still five paladins, but either the lions haven't found theirs or their paladin hasn't found them. Red will most likely make her paladin find her rather than guide them to her once she finds them. Adaih and Ivy were kind enough to lead us to them."


"The yellow lion. That's the name his current paladin gave him." Kathryn lay back on Ivy, pulling the thin wool blanket over them.

Keith hummed and nodded, grabbing his own wool blanket. "One more question."

Kathryn giggled and nodded. "Go ahead."

"Don't fairies have wings?"

She laughed, patting the spare pillow Keith allowed her to borrow. "Yes. They do."

"Then where are yours?"

"Hey, you said just one more question."

"Right, I know... Goodnight."

"Night, Keith."


Galran people are different from citizens of New Altea and other kingdoms. They had a stronger sense of smell and hearing. They saw better in the dark probably because their eyes had the ability to glow. They're naturally taller and more aggressive.

So, when sneaking around them, you have to be extremely cautious. Luckily, Keith's new only friend was a woodland fairy; a master of disguise and secrecy.

"So, another question."

"I thought I was supposed to be the curious one?" Kathryn mused as they walked side-by-side, Ivy chuffing amuzedly behind them.

Keith smiled. "If you're a paladin, why are you hiding from the New Altean soldiers?"

Kathryn sighed softly. "Because some of them can't be trusted..."

He watched her for a moment, then slowly nodded. "Right..."

"I'm hoping to find the princess before Tsuyoshi and I go public."

"What the Quiznak kind of a name is that? I can't even say it. Tu- Sue- yeah, I give up." Keith crossed his arms and huffed.

Kathryn giggled and shook her head. "Just about everyone says that same thing, so he lets everyone call him Hunk. Anyway, he's who Adaih chose as his paladin."

The human nodded and hummed, observing their surroundings as they went. "When can I meet him?"

"Mm, tonight." The fairy sang softly, wrapping his arms around one of his. Keith raised a brow at her. "I'm meeting him by Nymph Lake."

Keith scrunched his nose. "Why? There are merfolk and nymphs and sirens and pixies and-"

"He has clues on Shiro's whereabouts and those are exactly the reasons why soldiers would never expect us to meet up there."

That struck Keith. His chest tightened, eyes widening. He swallowed hard, mouth dry.



Few clouds blocked the starlight. The moon was full, casting a silver sheet over the forest and lake. Crickets chirped, cicadas called to each other through the trees.

Kathryn and Keith still wore their cloaks as they walked through the trees, nearing the shore.

Ivy stayed close, her vibrant green now a silverish color underneath the light of the moon.

"Stop." Kathryn held her arm out in front of him.

Keith paused, glancing to her before looking up.

The lake rippled peacefully, stretching to the horizon. The water reflected to moon and stars, lapping gently at its dirt shore.

Then he spotted two men, a lion larger than Ivy standing guard nearby.

"That's Tsuyoshi and Adaih..." She whispered. "I don't know who that is..."

Ivy cautiously made her way closer, rumbling softly. Adaih's ears flicked and he turned his large head. Keith could see the lion's under-bite from this angle. He shook his incredibly fluffy mane, tail flicking. Ivy looked back up to Kathryn.

The fairy sighed in relief, shoulders relaxing slightly.

"What? Who is it?"

"Dunno. I just know they're unconscious." She lowered her hand and continued to the shore, stepping out of the trees. "Hunk..."

The other paladin looked up and grinned.

Keith jolted, eyes wide as he spotted the weapon beside him.

A rather large, beautiful battle axe.

"Pidge! Hey! I was almost worried you wouldn't made it." Tsuyoshi stood, cloak sliding off his broad shoulders.

She giggled softly and embraced him, letting her hood slip off her head. "I would never miss a chance to see my partner in crime. Hey, I hope you don't mind, but I brought a stray."

Keith jolted, then narrowed his eyes at her. "Excuse you..."

She giggled, stepping aside as Tsuyoshi held out his rather large hand. Keith hesitated a moment, then grasped it and shook. "My name is Tsuyoshi, but you can call me Hunk. Just about everyone does."

Keith smiled slightly and nodded. "Hey. I'm Keith."

Adaih and Ivy rubbed their muzzles affectionately together before curling up beside each other, Ivy grooming between his ears.

"So, Hunk... Info?"

"Did I say I had information?" Tsuyoshi asked softly, stepping aside to reveal the unconscious man beside him. "I meant that I have him."

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