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"No way..."


"There's just no way!"


"But it's- they're who we started this huge journey for, and we just stumble over them on the way!"

"Be quiet..."

"But it's the princess-!"

"Lance!" Kathryn snapped, slapping her hand over the nymphs mouth. "Shut the quiznak up!"

All of them stared ahead, most mesmerized. Kathryn was now annoyed because the nymph didn't know how to shut his big mouth.

But there they lay.

The last true Alteans. The people they had gone into search for.

"That was easy..." She murmured, stepping forward.

"What are you doing!?" Lance hissed, being held back by Tsuyoshi.

Kathryn stepped up to the sleeping woman with beautiful silvery-white hair. "The legend says that she can only be woken by a knight and their lion..."

Ivy trotted up to her and purred softly, then sat and bowed her head. Kathryn bowed her head and got down on one knee, taking the sleeping Altean's hand.

The light surrounding the maiden ebbed away as her eyes steadily began to open. The light covering the other Altean began to fade as well.

The woman gasped, sitting straight up, shouting a word in a foreign, definitely lost language. The man leapt uncoordinatedly out of his resting place, srumbling before tripping and falling on the stone floor.

Kathryn blinked, taken aback as the other men she traveled with took a step back just in case. "Uhm... Princess?"

The Altean turned to the fairy rather quickly, startling her. "Who are you!?"

The fairy gulped, then cleared her throat and bowed. "I am Kathryn... A woodland fairy and the green paladin."

"Paladin..?" The woman whispered, eyes widening more as she noticed Ivy beside Kathryn. "But... How..? Where is Trigel?"

"I-I'm sorry, princess... Who?"

"The green paladin!" She snapped, standing on her feet, glaring down at Kathryn.

The fairy blinked at the sudden burst of rage and stood as well. "Princess... You've been asleep for ten thousand years... The paladins of old had died long ago..."

The Altean stood frozen, staring at the shorter woman before her. "What..?"

Takashi stepped up. "It's true, your majesty..."

The red-headed Altean man scuffled around the cave room, snatching an ancient technological device. "Princess... It's true... We have been asleep for nearly ten thousand years." He looked over to her.

"No... But... Our kingdom. Altea?"

"Altea is gone..." Tsuyoshi whispered. "The world that you knew is gone..."

"I'm so sorry, princess..." Kathryn took a hesitant step closer.

The Altean looked down, then wiped away the tears building up. "Well... If you're the new paladins... Where is the Black lion? Who is his knight?"

Takashi shook his head. "We don't know. We haven't found him."


Tsuyoshi jumped at sudden distant crumbling and shouts. "Okay, I know we're all a little shocked, but I think we should be going now. The Galra just infiltrated the cave."

The Alteans both looked up. "The Galra?" The red-headed one gulped, then quickly gathered the things he could find that clearly did not belong in a cave. The white haired one just stood frozen until Kathryn grabbed her hand and pulled her to the wagon. Both Alteans were helped inside, then they all quickly trekked deeper into the cave.

"My kingdom... My people... They're all gone..."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 23, 2018 ⏰

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