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Kathryn sat back, watching as Keith paced back and forth, eyes wide and on the ground in front of him.

"How did you not know? I thought you knew." She muttered softly, golden eyes on him.

"Well, I don't know." Keith came to a stop. "Maybe it's because my mom abandoned me, dad was never around, and I grew up in a purely human village!"

"But that blade-"

"I've had that blade my whole life!"

"Exactly!" Kathryn shouted, standing straight. She snatched the blade from its sheath. "It should have been some kind of clue!"

"Hey!" Keith swiped at her, reaching for his blade. "Give it back!"

The fairy shook her head, waving the blade. "Look at it, Keith. This is a Galran blade. Only someone with Galran blood can wield it and bring out its abilities."

Keith watched her as she held the blade up to the window, letting the moonlight shine on it. He gulped, eyes widening as a symbol glowed a soft violet. "What...?"

Kathryn ran her thumb softly over the symbol. "This is a blade forged by the Blade... Blade of Marmora. I've only ever met Kolivan and Antok... Hunk said that someone named Ulaz gave him the information..."

"What are you talking about?"

"The Blade of Marmora is a secret, underground organization made up of rebel Galran soldiers. They're spies and infiltrators." She murmured, tracing her thumb along the edge of the blade. "I've worked with their leader before... Antok is his right-hand man. Or, he was... One of Zarkon's druids had killed him not long after our mission..."

Keith gulped. "So... You're saying that... That my mom was a member of this organization?"

"She must have been..." Kathryn held his blade out for him. "I don't know how else you could have gotten this blade and would have been able to use it."

He licked his lips, hesitantly grabbing the blade. "I... I don't understand... Why didn't dad ever tell me..?"

The fairy shrugged, her pointy ears lowering slightly. "Maybe because he was a drooling drunk." She muttered, wings stretching out.

Keith huffed and smiled slightly, nodding. "Yeah... Maybe..."


Keith sat back, watching Adaih and Ivy roll about, playfully growling at each other. He chuckled and hummed, looking up as Tsuyoshi opened the door and stepped out.


"Hi." Keith stood, tucking his blade back into its sheath. "What's up?"

Tsuyoshi gestured over his shoulder. "He's awake. He's asking for you."

A tiny smile raised the corners of Keith's lips. "Really..?"

"Yeah. Go ahead." Tsuyoshi stepped aside, letting Keith rush in.

Keith gulped and opened the bedroom door. He smiled and relaxed slightly, seeing Takashi sitting up. "Hey..."

The older man looked up, then smiled softly. "Hey... I hope you've been keeping out of trouble..."

The younger chuckled and shrugged, stepping closer. "I kinda... Got booted by Iverson."

Takashi laughed softly, shaking his head. "Of course... Not because of you."

"Because of Iverson." Keith walked closer, sitting beside the shifter. "He didn't like that I was onto him about your disappearance."

"I don't know if he had anything to do with it... He's just an ass and seems like he has something to do with it." Takashi mused, gently patting Keith's shoulder.

"Yeah." Keith grinned. "So... How of you feel?"

Takashi chuckled and hummed. "Better than the last time I was fully conscious." He looked down at his Galran arm.

Keith bit his lip. "What is it? I've never seen anything like it. Hunk said it could burn slice through metal."

"I... I'm not entirely sure... I was unconscious for a majority of the time they were attaching it..." He flexed the soft fingers of his fake hand. "It moves how I want it to and I can feel with it..."

Keith nodded, sitting beside him. "Does it shift with you?"

His brows furrowed in thought. "I actually... Have no idea... I wasn't allowed to shift..."

"You should try it out... Stretch out and get used to everything again." Keith suggested with a slight gesture of his hand.

The shifter nodded, observing his hand. "Yeah... That sounds like a great idea." Takashi smiled and stood, rolling his shoulders and stretching. "Mm, that feels good... I feel like I've been locked in a box for days."

Both him and Keith laughed softly, Keith standing up and following him outside.

A small smile softened Shiro's expression as he spotted the fairy sitting on a low branch, carding her fingers through her golden feathers. She hummed, pointy ears perked and honey hair tumbling over her shoulders.

Kathryn's green freckles shimmered in the sunset light, pink lips spread in a small smile.

Keith looked up at his friend as Takashi admired the fairy, muscles loose, expression fond. He chuckled and gently nudged the shifter. Takashi jolted slightly, pulled from his trance. "Go talk to her."

Takashi grinned, then trotted eagerly to the fairy.

She gasped as he leapt up, grabbing onto the branch in front of her and pulling himself up. "Takashi!"

He grinned at her, sitting on the branch, letting one foot dangle as he planted his other on Kathryn's branch. She giggled and rolled her eyes. "Hey, you." He mused playfully.

"Hi." She sang, leaning closer. "You should be resting."

Takashi shrugged, reaching up to grab onto the branch just above him. "Why? I've been resting long enough. I need fresh air. I need to move around - even just a little bit." He leaned closer, still grinning wide.

Kathryn shook her head, smiling softly. "Alright, alright. Just don't startle me like that again. I almost fell off."

"Oh, I would've caught you." Takashi's grin grew, the corners of his eyes wrinkling. Even Keith had to admit how cute his dimples were. "You know I wouldn't let you fall."

A soft blush accompanied Kathryn's green flecks as she looked up at the shifter. "I know..."

Takashi chuckled, then his expression softened again as he reached forward.

Keith watched as his knuckles gently grazed over her cheek. Her eyes fluttered closed as she leaned into his touch.

"I've missed you, Katie..."

Her eyes opened, gaze focused on his. "I missed you, too..."

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