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Keith sat back with Adaih and Ivy, watching Takashi and Kathryn smile and converse softly with each other.

At some point, their hands met, fingers entwining.

Keith stepped back inside the house, melting at a sudden wave of freshly cooked meat and vegetables. He groaned happily, drifting towards the smell. "Oh my God... What is that?"

Tsuyoshi chuckled. "Cow and corn."

"That's the best cow and corn I've ever smelled. Where did you learn to cook like this?" Keith peeked over Tsuyoshi's shoulder to watch.

The taller man hummed. "My mom. I've been cooking with her since I was little. Of course, that was until I joined the army and started looking for the princess."

Keith looked up at him. "Princess?" He echoed, stepping a little to the side. "I've heard Katie talking about her. Who is she?"

Tsuyoshi raised a thick brow at the smaller man. "You've never heard the legend of The Princess of Altea?"

"No..." Keith muttered, leaning back on the counter. "If it's a legend, why are you searching?"

"Because she's not just a legend. There are actual historical facts about her." Tsuyoshi hummed, dousing the flames and beginning to set up the table. "She's been asleep since the Great War between Altea and Dibazaal."

Keith huffed, crossing his arms. "That's not possible."

The half-orc nodded, looking back to Keith. "It is. The same way it is possible that Zarkon and his druid are still alive. Lotor, as well."

Keith squared his shoulders, glancing away. "But, still... No one knows how that is all possible. How do you even know the princess is still asleep? Someone could have found her and killed her by now."

Tsuyoshi shook his head. "No. Galra are still searching as well. Especially since Altean magic is resurfacing. Especially since people are starting to rally together to fight back. They know she's still out there, so do we. Katie and I have been searching for over a year now. She's been researching this half her life."

Keith stared at Tsuyoshi and gulped. "I'm guessing you two are dragging me in on this, huh?"

Tsuyoshi chuckled and shrugged. "You may have to ask Katie, but I would now that you know. I don't want to risk anything coming out."

"Yeah... I understand that... I'm fine traveling with you guys. I'm sure I'll be useful." Keith smiled as he sat down.

Tsuyoshi chuckled and hummed, nodding. "I'm sure. Katie tells me you're pretty handy with a sword. Also, that the blade you have is special."

A small frown tugged on Keith's lips as he looked down as his leather sheath. "Yeah... Kathryn says it's Galran..."

Tsuyoshi nodded. "Galran manufactured and Galran operated."

"Yeah... Apparently... I should've done my research..."

The orc laughed softly and gently patted his shoulder. "It really doesn't affect anything, Keith. Just live how you have been."


Kathryn sighed pleasantly, eyes fluttering closed as Takashi gently carded his fingers through her wings. She hummed and smiled happily, completely relaxed.

"When was the last time you properly preened your wings?" Takashi mused, carefully cleaning her golden feathers.

"I don't know. Not too long."

He chuckled, leaning over and wrapping his arms around her waist. He rested his head on top of hers, swaying slowly. She hummed and sighed, leaning back on him.

Takashi gently squeezed her. "I missed you... So much, Katie..."

Kathryn nodded, tearing up and curling tighter. "I missed you, too... I never stopped looking for you..."

"What about Matt and your father?"

She shook her head, looking up at the azure sky. "Still missing..."

Takashi sighed softly, rocking back and forth with her. "It's okay... Now I'm here and I can help. I can help look for them..."

Kathryn nodded, tilting her head back. "Yeah..."


Keith sat up on the roof of Tsuyoshi's shack, moon shining brightly from the edge of a silver cloud. He twisted his blade between his fingers, observing it carefully.

His head snapped up at a near-silent shuffling of leaves. He listened closer, hearing slow, careful footsteps.

Just one person.

Keith slid down the edge of the roof, jumping off and making his way around. He drew his sword and stalked back behind the stranger.

He almost laughed at the slim stranger. He looked like Keith could easily toss him over Tsuyoshi's shack. He also had no visible weapon. Of course, the cloak could be concealing one.

Keith sheathed his sword, keeping his blade out as he approached silently.

He grabbed the man's arm and spun him around, pinning him to a tree and pressing his blade to the man's throat.

"Who the hell-" Keith froze up, eyes widening as they stared up into luminous, sky blue eyes.

"I should be asking the same thing..."

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