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Despite being so small, Kathryn's wings have a pretty powerful gust when she landed.

Her landing was so smooth, Keith almost envied it. She grinned and stretched her arms above her head, wings spread wide.

Keith grinned wider as Shiro ran up behind her, grabbing her by her waist and lifting her up. Kathryn screamed and laughed, wings flapping unevenly. Her head fell back, the loose bun her hair was in already coming undone.

The fairy giggled as she was brought back down, squeaking as she was squeezed to Takashi's chest. "Taka!"

Her wings fluttered happily, feathers fluffing out with a light blush spreading across her cheeks. Keith chuckled, curious as to what Takashi was now whispering in her ear.

Whatever it was, it made her curl up giddily, holding onto his arms. Takashi grinned, burying his nose in her messy hair.

Keith smiled softly at them and went back inside.


"How come neither of you told me Lance is a water nymph?"

Kathryn looked up from her stew, blinking. Tsuyoshi just looked over to him.

"I thought you knew?" Kathryn muttered, setting her spoon down.

Keith shook his head. "I had no idea. He told me last night."

The fairy shrugged, looking back down to her food. "Well, he's a water nymph." Keith scoffed and made a loose gesture. "Did he also tell you he's the Prince?"

Keith blinked, then looked over at her. "What? Does he go around and tell everyone that he's a Prince?"

Tsuyoshi chuckled. "No. He doesn't flaunt it. Odd, considering he flaunts everything else."

Kathryn giggled, but Keith gawked at him. "Wait, you're serious!? He's an actual prince!?"

"Yeah?" Kathryn mused, stirring her stew. "I wasn't kidding. He's the youngest, though, so he's not next in line, but he's definitely momma queen's favorite."

"So... Lance is actual royalty?"

"Through and through." Tsuyoshi sang with a wave of his ladle.

Keith huffed, looking at the window.

The so-called Prince was coddling the cow. He scratched behind her ears, talked to her.

It was strange, to say in the least, to think of the pompous ass as a Prince. An actual prince of a thought-to-be extinct race.

Keith hummed, leaning back. "Why wouldn't he flaunt it?"

Tsuyoshi sighed softly. "Because growing up, he was tought to never tell people on the land who he truly was. The only reason I was allowed to know is because the tribe I grew up in has been close to them and protectors of their tribe."

"I know because about twenty years ago I fell in the water and nearly drowned. He and momma queen saved me." Kathryn explained before scooping more of the stew in her mouth.

"How old was he then?"

"He was just a little guppy." She mused. "Cutest little guy, ever. He found me, went back to momma queen and brought her to me. He was a crazy fast little guy. He used to think I was a boy."

Keith laughed, rocking back in his seat.



They were starting their trek. Wagon and saddlebags were stocked full. Packs in their backs were heavy with extra clothing and hand-held weapons.

Aside from Lance, who's pack was in the wagon instead of in his back. However, he had a bow and a quiver full of arrows strapped to himself.

Those on horseback swayed and relaxed. Kathryn flew high above them, Takashi walking alongside Kaltenecker and the lions in his mustang form. Instead of a white shock of forelock, he had a white blaze down the middle of his long face and the lower half of his tail was a light gray.

The lions all walked beside their knights, or raced their shadow.

Keith smiled as he watched Ivy race afound, trying to leap on and catch Kathryn's shadow.

Once the sun started to set, Kathryn landed and Takashi shifted back. Takashi, Keith and Lance all started to set up tents and tie up the horses as Kathryn and Tsuyoshi started to make supper.

Once full, everyone lay on their bedroll. Well, Kathryn made herself a hammock out of vines and leaves and such, grabbed a pillow and blanket, and curled up in that.

Takashi took first watch, then woke Keith once the moon was at its highest peak.

Keith sat up, looking around. He listened intently, then eventually got up and walked to the horses.

He hoisted himself up onto Flare's back. She knickered and shifted her weight, but did nothing otherwise. He pat her neck, then looked around.

A low growl, almost a rumble, sounded nearby. Flare's ears perked and she raised her head.

Keith looked to the lions to see them all sleeping soundly.

He gulped and lowered himself, grabbing his blade.

The growl sounded again, drawing Keith closer. He held his blade up, steeling his guard.

Two yellow eyes flashed at him, causing him to jump and his eyes to widen. Sharp, white teeth gleamed in the moonlight as the rather large creature stalked closer.

Keith grit his teeth, gripping his blade, then yelped as the beast pounced.

Start All Over : Klance AUWhere stories live. Discover now