Chapter 7

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Maybe Tomorrow: Part 1



Ryeowook couldn't believe it. How was he going to tell Sungah? Does he just walk up to her and say he's going to high school with her? Bring it up randomly in a conversation? Or should he wait until he "bumps" into her and acts surprised? How should he explain? He was so confused it was making his head spin. At least he had the weekend to think about it.

"Ryeowook." His mother opened his bedroom door. "Sungah is here."

Well, at least he had five seconds to think about it. Sungah walked into the room and shut the door.

"H-Hi Sungah. I didn't expect you to come today." Ryeowook rubbed the back of his neck nervously. Sungah got close and sushed him.

"Don't talk." She commanded as she grinned cutely.


It didn't take long for him to get an answer. Sungah pushed him onto his bed and got on top of him. She laughed as she began to tickle him.

"Sungah!" Ryeowook laughed uncontrollably as she tickled him.

"This is why you don't shut your door Ryeowookie." Sungah giggled tickling him more. "You want me to stop?"

"Please, I can't breathe!" Ryeowook laughed, trying to catch a breath.

Sungah laughed as she let him go. Ryeowook caught his breath as she moved to sit next to him.

"Wh-What, what are you doing here?" Ryeowook took deep breaths.

"We're going on a practice date," She answered.

"What's a practice date?" Ryeowook asked, feeling his breathing returning to a normal speed.

"Dating demo," She grinned. "We go out on a date to see what it would be like if we dated regularly as boyfriend and girlfriend. We'll see what we need to change or improve on for possible future dates."

"That sounds complicated."

"Do you want to go on a date or not?"

"Yes please."

"You're so cute! Let's go!" Sungah stood and grabbed his hand. "Your parents already know we're going out. We can stay out until nightfall!"

They ran out of his house, ready to take on the world.

"I know a place you'll like." Sungah grinned as she got a taxi to stop for them.

"What is it?" He asked as they got into the taxi.

"You'll see when we get there." She sat and looked out the window.


Ryeowook loved that Sungah was always full of surprises. He never knew where she was going to bring him next. Ryeowook sitting there trying to guess where they were going on their "practice date" amused Sungah greatly. Every guess he made, she laughed and replied "no" each time.

"I told you Ryeowookie," Sungah giggled, "you'll find out when we get there."

He reminded completely silent for a good half hour, but after an hour of riding in the back of a taxi, he couldn't take it anymore.

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