Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

The Long Way Around

Cerulean City-

Red awoke in Cerulean City.  They had to go north from Vermillion after a sleeping Snorlax happened to completely block the only bridge over a river of rapids so that he and Blue could make it to Lavender Town.  So far, the journey was looking bright, and making friends with Misty, the Cerulean Gym leader had its benefits.  Instead of spending the night in a Pokémon Center, Red and Blue stayed with Misty in her apartment at the Cerulean Gym. 

            Blue was already up and was holding a Map of Kanto. 

            “Finally!” she said.  She rushed over to Red, fully dressed ready to go.  “You need to hurry up and get ready! I’ve already mapped out the whole day.” She pointed to Cerulean City at the north of the map.  “We’re here, and if we travel east all day we can end up here,” her finger moved towards a small dot on the eastern shoreline of Kanto.  “This is a Pokémon Center we can spend the night at, then the next day we have to navigate Rock Tunnel…”

            “Yeah, yeah,” Red yawned.  “I’m gonna check on the Pokémon then I’ll get ready.”  Red walked out of the apartment and made his way around the hall to the stadium entrance in the Gym.  He and Blue had let their Pokémon play and sleep with Misty’s in the giant aquarium that she conducted her Gym battles in. 

            He noticed a small blue Pokémon with a spiral on its belly walking along the bottom close to the glass wall, it was Blue’s Poliwag.  It swam around to Red with a smile and then swam wagging its tadpole like tail through the giant pool.  Seconds later, a shadow darted right up next to the wall and stopped with a thud as it banged on the glass, Poliwag not far behind. 

            “Hey boy! What’s up?” Red asked Wartortle.  The three-foot fuzzy tail and eared blue turtle was grinning its sharp little fangs glinted in the light.  Wartortle began doing backflips and agile maneuvers in the water in delight to see its trainer again.  Wartortle was Red’s first and strongest Pokémon, given to him by Professor Oak when it was a Squirtle. 

            Red walked up the stairs and sat on the diving board and looked out at the floating rafts where the other Pokémon were playing.  Wartortle popped out of the water and gave Red a big hug, but the heavy turtle Pokémon knocked the tired Pokémon trainer into the water.  He felt a tug on his pajamas and looked up as Pidgeotto, struggled and beat its wings frantically to pull him onto a raft. 

            “Thanks bud!” he said.  Pidgeotto was the first Pokémon that Red had captured on his own.  Through a little training (including potty), the tan bird Pokémon with a red feather crest on his head had evolved into a formidable foe. 

            A yellow dart hopped from raft to raft and then sat on Red’s lap, eagerly wanting Red’s attention.  It was his Pikachu, the electric mouse with red cheeks who had bailed its trainer out of many tough battles and situations.  Red loved his three Pokémon, and they loved him too.

A Pokemon Tale, Part II: The Rise of Team RocketWhere stories live. Discover now