Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

The Boss’s Beast


Team Rocket Hideout-

            The kids stared in disbelief.  They had made it all the way to the deepest part of the underground hideout.  Red and Blue found themselves in a large meeting room, with a desk at the far end.  Leaning against the front edge of the desk, a tall man in a dark suit with a red R pinned to his chest smoked a cigar.

            “Lost are we?” his tone was mocking as he puffed the cigar.  “Tell me, what are your names?  Oh, where are my manners, I am the leader of Team Rocket.”

            Red and Blue’s faces turned angry.  Red thought he had seen him somewhere before on his journey…but where?  Blue also felt like she had seen him somewhere before.  Alas, the trainers couldn’t put their finger on it.  They were at a loss for words.  How would they arrest this man?  They figured Lance would be the one to catch this “Rocket Godfather.”

            “Not the talkers are we,” said the man as he put out his cigar on an ashtray.  He approached the teenagers when the earth-shattering BOOM of Surge’s Electrode rattled the underground lair, knocking the Red and Blue to the floor and shutting of the power.  The Boss caught his fall on the desk, clapped his hands, and the lights in the room turned back on.

            “I almost knew this place would see battle,” he said matter-of-factly.  “So I took the liberty of installing my own power source.  A scientist friend of mine designed it.”

            “Shut up!” said Blue.  She had regained her feet and held one of her Pokeballs in her hand.  “We’re here to bring you to justice!”  Red looked up at her from the ground, and joined her with determination.

            The Boss chuckled.  “Oh ho ho, dear me,” he said.  “The great Lance has sent mere children to do his dirty work.  We don’t want this to get out of hand, now, do we?” He flashed a Pokeball of his own.

            Blue released Nidorina as Red sent out Wartortle, they were going to bring this guy to Lance. 

            The smile only got wider on the Boss’s face.  “Oh Wartortle such a rare Pokémon indeed,” he admired the fuzzy eared turtle as it glared back at him.  “Maybe I will take your Pokémon as well! Go!” Out of the Boss’s Pokeball emerged a monster of a Pokémon.  It was tall and brown with a wide base and tail, and sharp teeth.

            “What in the world?” Red was going to check his Pokedex when the Boss answered his questions for him.

            “This is Kangaskhan,” he informed the kids.  The Pokémon stood at least 9 feet tall, and was very bulky.  “They are also rare and live within the confines of the Safari Zone in Fuchsia.  It’s a very powerful Pokémon, as you can probably tell,” his voice got lower.  “And very angry.”

            “We’re not afraid!” said Blue.  “Let’s get them Nidorina!”  The little pale blue Pokémon charged Kangaskhan who kicked it into the side of the wall with such force as to run a crack all the way up to the ceiling. 

            “Help her out, Wartortle!” Red commanded.  Wartortle ran up to the giant monster, leaped with a great velocity, and withdrew into its hard shell to ram its foe.  However, Kangaskhan caught the shell in its hands, much to Red’s dismay.  It then chucked the shell at Blue’s fallen Nidorina, furthering the damage to the wall. 

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