Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

Rivalry Rekindled?


Celadon City-

            The two young trainers spent the next morning shopping in Celadon City.  It was a small concession Red had to make to Blue for challenging the Gym the previous day.  However, the two had planned to rent bicycles to travel south along the long bridge that connected Fuchsia to Celadon at noon.

            As they approached the rental store, they noticed the sign read “closed.”

            “That’s a bummer,” said Red.  Blue pulled out her map of Kanto.

            “The only other way to get to Fuchsia is to go all the way back to Lavender Town, and then south,” she said.  “Hopefully that gigantic sleeping Pokémon is gone by now.”

            A voice came from outside the store from a man on a bench.

            “Fuchsia?” the man, Red had deduced he was the owner of the shop judging by the T-shirt he wore that matched the sign.  “No one goes to Fuchsia anymore.  My business is ruined!” He put his face in his hands and began to cry.

            Red didn’t know what to say to bring any comfort to this man.  Blue decided to be the nosy one anyway.

            “Why doesn’t anyone go to Fuchsia anymore?” asked Blue.  The man looked up at her and swallowed his tears.

            “Koga, the leader of Fuchsia’s Gym, has aligned himself with Team Rocket,” he sobbed.  “They’re blocking the bridge and charging expensive tolls to anyone who dares to even face them.”

            The two young trainers were stunned.  A Gym Leader aligned with Team Rocket?

            Red was determined.  “A Gym Leader’s a Gym Leader and I need that Badge!” He said proudly.  “I’ll rent a bike from you, sir! How much?”  The man smiled a little.

            “I appreciate the offer,” he said.  “But I can’t put kids like you in danger like that.”

            “Like I said,” said Blue, “we should just go the back way.”  The man shook his head.

            “I guess you could,” the Bike Store Owner said.  “What it lacks in Team Rocket it makes up for in its wilderness.  Anyways, you two go have some fun here in Celadon, where it’s safe…” He put his face back in his hands and Red and Blue could hear him moaning about his loss of business as they walked towards the east in the direction they arrived in Celadon from.

            Afternoon turned to evening as the silhouettes of Celadon’s buildings disappeared behind them and the lights of the skyscrapers of Saffron loomed ahead.

            “I can’t believe Saffron is still closed down,” said Blue.  “They’re really afraid of Team Rocket.”

            “It makes me mad,” said Red.  “I only need four more badges, and all the remaining Gyms are in a city in league with Team Rocket, a city closed that’s afraid of Team Rocket, and Cinnabar Island way down south!  Not to mention the Gym in Viridian is probably still closed…”  His voice trailed off as they heard a loud screeching sound in the sky, like an eagle calling out.

            “Look!” shouted Blue as she pointed back in the direction of Celadon.  Red had to squint against the setting sun to finally see what she was looking at.  A large bird was flying their way.  As it approached, he saw a familiar spiky haired boy riding on top of it.  Then the boy spoke, and Red’s theory was confirmed.

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