Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

Mr. Fuji’s Request


Lavender Town-

            Red and Blue emerged from Rock Tunnel in less time than expected thanks to the lights powering on mysteriously.  As soon as they crossed the southern opening of the tunnel, they were challenged by a young trainer, waiting for passerby’s to join him in battle.   It was Blue’s turn, and she called forth Butterfree.  The young male trainer chose a pudgy pink Pokémon about three and a half feet tall, and when it opened its mouth, a long, fat, pink tongue emerged from it.  Blue checked her Pokedex and identified the strange Pokémon as Lickitung. 

            Aside from the gross shock of the long tongue, Lickitung wasn’t able to keep up with Butterfree darting up, down, left, and right and a well-timed Confusion attack made the Pokémon wrap itself up with its own tongue. 

            After the short battle, they turned their eyes south, Lavender Town rested just at the bottom of the hills in a valley.  Rising above the buildings was a large, old yet stable tower.  Red stopped and admired the site, then took his hat off and closed his eyes.

            “What is it?” asked Blue.

            “That’s Pokémon Tower,” Red said.  “It’s where all the former Champions and their Pokémon are honored.  The spirits of those Trainers and their Pokémon make their way to this tower from all over Kanto when they die.”  Blue shared in his moment of silence in respect.

            When the pair made it into Lavender Town in the late afternoon, they made straight for the Pokémon Center.  They healed their Pokémon and decided to check out the small village.  There was hardly anything to do; no shops, no entertainment, no gym.  There was only the tall Pokémon Tower always in site no matter which side of town you were on.  Eventually, they rested on a bench in a small park.

            “I wish there was a Gym in this town,” said Red.  “Green probably has at least four badges by now and I’m already trailing him with three…”

            “Cheer up, Red,” said Blue.  “How many times have you defeated him head-to-head?”  Red smiled.  He had battled his rival four separate times, winning three but losing the most recent fight on the SS. Anne in Vermillion City.

            As if wanting to hear their conversation, an old, weathered man sat near them on an accompanying bench.  The two teenagers paid him no attention as they carried on.

            “You know,” said Red.  “If it wasn’t for Green’s help on the ship, we might have all had our Pokémon Stolen.  No matter how much we compete against each other, I guess I consider him a friend.”

            Blue laughed.  “Maybe an anti-friend haha! The enemy of my enemy type thing.  Don’t forget Lorelei showed up, and that strange man in the cloak helped defeat Team Rocket back there too.”

            “LORELEI?”  The old man spoke up, startling the kids.  “How do you youngsters know Lorelei?”

            Blue didn’t want to answer him, but she was going to be nice anyways.  “We’ve met her on our travels, she’s actually helped us out on a couple of occasions.”

            Red interjected filled with pride, “Yeah!  And we’ve met Lance too! We helped them stop Team Rocket and Mt. Moon and on the SS. Anne in Vermillion City!” 

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