Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

Juicy Fruit


Cerulean City-

            Misty looked at the hundred or so trainers of Cerulean City that had answered her call.  There were some experienced trainers, a few shop owners with their Pokémon, but most were travelers passing through.  They sat in the stands that surrounded the aquarium in her Gym.

            “This isn’t just your run of the mill Pokémon battle,” she said.  “These Rockets will try to hurt your Pokémon, steal them, they may even try to hurt you.” Her eyes scanned the audience, the younger trainers eyes sparkled with visions of glory.  They want an adventure, she thought.  The older trainers and shop owners had more solemn faces, they knew the dangers of what they were about to attempt.

            One of the older men spoke up.  “Saffron City is five times as big as Cerulean, and there’s a giant invisible fish bowl over it.  Even if we can get in, how are we going to fight through the thousands of Rockets all the way to the Silph Building to free the city? And on top of that, capture a Gym Leader who has crazy Psychic powers?”

            “We don’t,” echoed a voice in the corner of the stadium.  A man in camouflage gear and sunglasses spoke up.  “You just have to follow my lead and Misty’s.” Lieutenant Surge slowly walked down the steps towards Misty and smiled.

            “We’re a distraction,” Misty said.  “Those thousands of Rockets, or a majority of them, will rush north to the breach in the invisible dome.  Surge and I will be with you.  My sister Lorelei, and Erika from Celadon City will sneak in from the west and infiltrate Silph Co.” The assembled group of trainers seemed discouraged as they realized their fight was not one that was expected to be won. 

            A man in the front of the audience stood up and turned to his comrades.  He wore a traditional Karate outfit with a black belt tied around his waist.  “You won’t be alone! I promise you all. As soon as the north gate is breached my brother and his men from the Fighting Dojo will assist you.”  He turned back towards Misty.  “I, Jackie of the Fighting Dojo swear to help anyone cause, winning or losing, to rid my city of those Rockets.  Just get us past the invisible barrier and my brothers and I will fight to the bitter end.”

            Misty caught Surge’s eye.  “We’re not just going to get past the barrier, we’re going to blow right through it.”  Surge’s grin widened.  We may get knocked out in this fight, but we’re going out with a bang.

Fuchsia City-

            It was three in the morning when Red, Blue, Janine and the ninjas left the cabin by the Safari Zone.  They hung on to the feet of a flock of Golbat; large blue bat-like Pokémon with huge mouths and pointed fangs.  Blue was a little unnerved by the heights as they glided silently across the sky above Fuchsia city, but smiled when she saw the determination on Red’s face. 

            They began the descent when they caught sight of Koga’s palace.  Janine made a hand signal and sent Blue and most of her Ninja team towards the front of the palace while she, Red, and two other Ninja men dropped into the walled battleground courtyard behind.

            As soon as Blue landed, a Rocket lookout spied them and shouted for help.  The man was quickly apprehended by a Ninja but it was too late, the great hall of the palace spit out the strong Rockets who were waiting for them.  “Stupid little girl,” one said.  “You don’t even know how easy it’s going to be to take you down!” He sent out a Ratticate and the large brown rat Pokémon bared its teeth at her. 

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