Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

Land of the Ninja


The Inn South of Lavender Town-

            Red and Blue arrived at the Inn in the early morning hours.  Red was still soaked from head to toe and shivering from the river.  When they walked into the lobby of the cozy wooden building they had to wake up the attendant who was sleeping (rightfully so) at the front desk.  They rented two separate rooms and promptly got their eight hours of beauty sleep, which ended up being more like ten hours of beauty sleep. 

            The attendant (who just so happened to be the owner as well) banged on the door demanding payment.  Blue promptly answered her door and paid him for both of the trainers with some of the winnings they had earned during Pokémon battles.  Unable to go back to sleep at two in the afternoon, Blue decided to go down to the lobby for the complimentary breakfast (more like lunch). 

            She happily released her Pokémon when Pokémon food was also provided.  Nidorina, Ivysaur, Poliwag, and Butterfree were happy to stretch their legs from being inside their Pokeballs.  She was about to open her fifth inhabited Pokeball, but decided against releasing Snorlax indoors, if at all. 

            Red wandered down as they were eating.

            “Where’s da pancakes?” he sniffled.  Red had caught a little cold.  “I wanted da breakfast…”  He settled for a sandwich and released his Pokémon to eat too. 

            Blue jumped right into the days plan.  “Fuchsia is about a day’s walk away.  If we just follow the shoreline like it says on the map we can get there with minimal trouble.”

            The inn they were at was the end of a road.  If they walked south for a couple of hours, they would end up at the southern shore of Kanto.  Then they would turn west and right into Fuchsia.  Red traced his finger along a more direct path through a large green area.

            “Why can’t we just cut through here?” he asked.

            “That’s the Safari Zone,” she said.  “The last unmapped area of Kanto.  I did some research on one of the computers in the lobby here and it’s pretty much like the Amazon rainforest.  It could get pretty dicey in there because no one really knows how strong the wild Pokémon that live there.”

            “Well I could go for some strong Pokémon!” sniffed Red proudly.  “Maybe I can get a Snorlax of my own!”

            “I wouldn’t go through there,” said the inn owner.  “That area is protected by the Fuchsians.  They’re very territorial about the Safari Zone.”

            Blue leaned over and whispered to Red as he blew his nose in a napkin.  “How come everybody always overhears our conversations?”

            “Don’t cross the Fuchsians,” the owner continued.  “Sometimes they come up this far north… Ninjas: that’s what they are.  Strange folk and skilled fighters and Pokémon Trainers in their own rights.”

            They finished eating and recalled their Pokémon into their Pokeballs, except for Butterfree and Pidgeotto.  They would flutter and fly ahead at their trainers orders to scout out the land and warn them if any “ninjas” were wandering about.

            The journey was quiet as they walked along the coastline.  Not many trainers travel to Fuchsia from the east.  Most of them that went to challenge the Gym cycled down the long bridge from Celadon City.  The sky began to turn orange when Pidgeotto let out a cry, Butterfree flew back to Blue very quickly, urgent to alert its master.

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