Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

The Poke-Flute


Lavender Town-

            The bus dropped the two tired trainers off at the Lavender Town Pokémon Center late that evening, around 11 o’ clock.  Red had to help Blue walk into the building, as she was too tired to not run into walls or stumble.  They had just crossed the threshold of the Center when the two were greeted with the welcoming cry of a familiar Pokémon.

            “Bone! Cubooooone!” The little brown Pokémon stood on a nearby table eating Pokémon food.  Its eyes that showed through the skull it wore were smiling, and it waved the bone in its hand excitedly.  Red smiled back and sat Blue down at a table where she promptly laid her head back in her arms, dozing off again.

            “So you’re who Mr. Fuji’s Cubone was waiting for,” said a Pokémon Center employee, who had come to refill Cubone’s bowl of Pokémon food.  “Mr. Fuji makes many donations to our Center in Lavender Town, and Cubone here is always taken good care of.” She scratched the little Pokémon’s back before returning to her other duties.

            “So what’s up? How’s Mr. Fuji?” asked Red as he scratched Cubone’s back in the same spot the nurse had.  Cubone jumped off the table and tugged on Red’s pants, pointing in the direction of the entrance to the Pokémon Center with its bone. It then waddled over to Blue tugging on her leg and succeeded in pulling the exhausted Pokémon Trainer out of the chair, on to the floor, and into consciousness.

            “What! Where? Who?” she exclaimed as she quickly got up, one of her Pokémon’s Pokeballs in her hand ready for a fight.  Blue gathered her senses and decided they must be in Lavender Town when she took in the surroundings of the Pokémon Center lobby as well as the sight of Red and Cubone.

            “About time you woke up!” laughed Red.  “Cubone wants us to follow him, let’s go!”  Cubone waddled right out the door followed by Red.  Blue wiped her face.

            “But it’s so late,” her voice was drowned out by the sound of the sliding Pokémon Center doors. 

            It took around thirty minutes for the two trainers and little Cubone to walk to Mr. Fuji’s house.  Pokémon Tower, always visible in town, seemed to radiate an eerie purple light from its windows and at the very top.  Finally, they returned to Mr. Fuji’s small cottage surrounded by trees in the far corner of town.  A single light from a candle flickered in the kitchen window and as they approached they could make out the faint and almost unheard sound of music over the crunch of their footsteps over fallen leaves.  At the sound of the music, Blue felt all her exhaustion and tiredness melt away.

            Cubone banged on the front door with its bone and the music stopped.  As expected, Mr. Fuji opened the door.

            “Ah, come in my friends!” he said with a giant smile on his face.  He gave Red and Blue each warm welcoming hugs as he led them back to the kitchen where he had sent them off to Celadon City in the days before.  Sitting quietly at the table looking out the window was an old woman holding a cane.  Red recognized her face immediately.

            Before he could exclaim in excitement, a voice inside his head spoke for him.  Yes, it is I, Agatha. She turned to the young trainers.  Cubone leapt into her lap as she kept her gaze at the young trainers.  Thank you for your help in Celadon City. 

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