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Pukul 1230 tengah malam baru saya sampai rumah. Bulih2 bah Lexter kasih tinggal saya sana bar saturang. No choice, saya main berani ja naik taxi tengah2 malam. Sudah lah susah dapat taxi, tu pun saya minta tulung sama tu pekerja sana bar.

Damn you, Lexter!!

Siap mandi, saya baring2 atas katil. Saya nda dapat tidur gara2 ingat ugutan si Lexter. Macam mana lah saya mo teruskan kerja sana hotel kalau dia yang jadi GM?

Saya kurik2 handphone dari handbag saya...gosh....25 missed calls and 8 texts dari Nate! Menyesal saya pi cek handphone saya. Bagus lagi paaagi baru saya cek. Bikin kalut fikiran ja.

(incoming call from Nate)

Haihhh....masih juga dia try2 call saya. He never gives up.

📞 Me : Hello.

📞 Nate : Where are U? Ko sudah sampai rumah kah?

📞 Me : Baru sampai.

📞 Nate : What???? Punya lambat. Si Lex bawa ko pi mana lagi tadi?

📞 Me : Kami pi minum ja bah.

📞 Nate : Minum ja? Did he do anything to U?

📞 Me : Nothing. Bukan ko ada midnight movie date kah sama Erica?

📞 Nate : Nda jadi, sa hantar dia balik trus tadi.


Mesti si Erica memanas tu. I know her, if she can't get what she wants, mesti dia meradang. How I wish I can see her face. 😂

📞 Nate : G...U can tell me if Lex buat something sama ko.

📞 Me : I told U, nothing happen. Kami pi minum ja terus dia hantar sa balik. U know what Nate, sa mo tidur. Bikin rimas ja ko tanya2 sa sekarang. Ok. Good night.

End call.

Saya terus hang up phone call si Nate. Sudah lah saya bingung sekarang pasal ugutan si Lexter then si Nate lagi buat gegaya macam jealous boyfriend. Sucks!

(incoming text from Nate)

📩 Nate : I was only worry about U, tapi kalau ko rasa rimas just because I care for U, I am sorry then. Have a good night rest.


Saya tau saya nda patut marah dia. I didn't mean to say those things, I am sorry Nate.


Bisuk dia tu saya masuk shift petang, satu shift sama Laura. I wonder what happen to Erica position. Now, Lexter yang take over the GM position.

"Giana, tadi sa dapat memo dari Ms Audrey, tapi sa confuse ni sekarang." Bilang Laura.

(Ms Audrey actually secretary si Erica, in case kamu nda ingat.)

"Apa yang ko confuse?"

"This memo said, Mr Lexter mo jumpa a staff from front desk, named Dolly. Jadi sa confuse sepa si Dolly?"


Shit you, Lexter!!

"It's me, Laura. Nda payah lah ko confuse2 k. Hehe."

"Ko? Why did he call U Dolly?"

"Long story, Laura. Dolly is my nick name, tapi jan ko panggil sa guna tu nama aa."

"Haha..okay2, nasib ko warning sa awal2. Nah, the memo. I think he wants to meet U asap."

"Thanks. Bah sa naik pi office dulu k. Cover me here please."

Unforgettable Sins #Book1 [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now