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"Hi Simon. What a suprise. I-I didn't expect to see U here."

"Hehe. Visiting old friend bah. Si Oscar baru ja kasih tau sa yang ko pun datang juga malam ni." Bilang Simon.

"Hi Oscar. How are U?" Saya pusing tingu Oscar. Mmg dia nampak sihat sudah, nda macam last saya visit dia hari tu.

"Getting much better now. Lama ko nda datang sini. Is everything ok?"

"Sorry, bukan sa nda mo lawat ko, I was just so busy with my work."

"Sokay bah, Jacob pun ada cakap juga ko busy sekarang. Hehe. So, since both of U and Simon are here, sa mo share one news sama kamu."

Terus saya bertingu sama Simon. See. Mmg something is going on.

"Good news kah, Scar?" Bilang Simon.

"Yup. Actually, I am getting engaged---with Diana."


"Omaigad, Oscar. Congratulation. I am so happy for U." Saya nda sedar saya terus pi peluk Oscar and he hug me back.

"Thanks, Gee."

"Scar, are U sure with ur decision?" Bilang Simon, terus saya pusing bah tingu Simon. Muka dia nda nampak happy.

"Of course I am. Diana is my girl, we've been together like for years. Dulu, after dadi halau sa, sa totally lost, macam suddenly sa teda life purpose. Sa minum, jadi pemabuk, the worst was sa involved in gang fights. Kalau bukan pasal Jacob dan Diana, I would never be sitting here with U guys."

"Scar, ko sure ko mo tunang sama dia sebab ko sayang dia or sebab ko terhutang budi?" Bilang Simon.

"I love her, man. Can U at least support me?"

Mata saya kan skijap2 tingu Oscar then tingu Simon. What is happening? Napa Simon nampak macam nda setuju Oscar sama Diana?

"U have my fully support, Scar. U know it. But, are U really sure she's the one? Don't lie, Scar." Bilang Simon, terus si Oscar tingu saya. Tambah saya bingung ni.

"Simon, this is a good news. Diana is a nice girl. All these time, dia yang jaga Oscar, it's enough to prove that she loves him." Bilang saya.

"Ya. She is so in love with Oscar, I can see that. But does Oscar loves her? Hah, Scar?"

"Simon, cut ur crap. Of course I love Diana---"

"Stupid. Sampai bila bah ko mo hide feeling ko, Scar? U still love Giana!!! Can't U be true to urself for once?" Lepas Simon cakap tu terus dia keluar dari bilik.


This is awkward.

"Gee...I'm sorry. Buduh bah si Simon ni."

"Let's just pretend that he didn't say anything. I don't want to ruin ur night, Oscar."

"No, Giana. Simon was right. Mmg betul sa suka ko, since kita di kolej lagi but I don't have that gut to tell U sebab Simon pun suka ko, and I know U liked him too right?"

"Tu cerita lama bah, Scar."

"I know. Kalau bulih sa nda mo lagi fikir pasal dulu. I want to cherish every moment of my life with someone who can love me. And that person is Diana. I know U can't love me back, Gee."

"I'm sorry, Scar. Diana is a good girl. Jan pernah lupa apa yang dia sudah buat untuk ko. I know U love her, right?"

"With all my heart. Thanks Gee. We still can be friends bah kan?" Dia hulur tangan dia.

Unforgettable Sins #Book1 [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now