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This chapter is dedicated to SetSailTheShip for proving there is a number called one hundred trillion. Ha go figure. Anyways, enjoy the chapter, loves and please comment your thoughts!


Thomas sat in class hearing but not listening. His mind kept wandering and his eyes glazed over constantly.

He doodled in his notebook trying to focus on any one thing. He called to mind the periodic table and recited the elements but he had only just arrived at Barium ,number 56, when he remembered bears then suddenly Pooh Bear then Christopher Robin who was a boy around Chuck's age then Thomas would fight desperately for something else- anything else to think about.

Across the room, Newt diligently wrote down notes, pausing to either answer a question or to look at the teacher while he explained something.

Thomas let out a frustrated huff. Now all he could think about was the kiss they'd shared the day before. Thomas could recount the entire event, perhaps, in great detail. In any case, he remembered Newt's blushing red cheeks and the feel of their lips moving against each other.

Looking at the boy now, Thomas felt a leftover dose of butterflies move around in his stomach. Colour stained his cheeks like a blank canvas.

Then Minho kicked his chair causing him to reel forward. Before he could accuse and reprimand his friend, he noticed the black, beady, sly eyes of his Economy teacher staring him down.

Despite Janson's unattractive, rat- like features only centimetres from his desk, Thomas was aware of his classmates watching the scene, some amused, others curious.

Newt,he noted, was highly amused.

"Thomas," Janson sneered, "is there something you might want to share with the class? Perhaps the reason why you choose not to listen to the lesson?"

Thomas flushed but looked squarely into the taller man's eyes. "I was listening. I just wasn't paying attention."

A ripple of muffled snickers went around the classroom. Janson glared at his students prompting immediate silence from them all. He looked back at Thomas who had not yet dropped his gaze.

"I know,Thomas, that you might not be aware of the prospect of responsiblity so I am going to make this as simple as I possibly can for you: pay attention."

As Janson turned away to continue his droning lecture, Thomas lifted his hand and flipped the finger at his teacher's back. When Janson turned  towards the class, now at the front of the room, the entire present student body had followed suit.

Later on that day in detention, Minho kicked up his feet onto the table muttering bitterly to himself about Thomas' idiotic habits and worked busily on his cell, texting Brenda.

Thomas listened to all this with a grin and said grin only widened when his phone chimed with a message.

Hello, love

Thomas glanced over the blonde, Newt's honey- coloured eyes were directed downwards, his thumbs moving over his phone screen.

I hope you're happy. I could be doing things right now

Mr. Tommy:
What things?

Important things!
Like sleeping

Mr. Tommy
Now why would u want to do that without me? :(

His_name_is Noot:
So many reasons

Mr. Tommy
Name one.
I dare you:)

You talk in your sleep

I do not!!!!!

Wanna meet up after? ;*

Before Thomas could reply, however, the door opened. All the students watched as the track team coach walked in.

Alby's eyes swept over his runners then turned and landed on the substitute they had been assigned. There was a quick and hurried conversation after which Alby turned and signalled to them.

Thomas, Minho and another six boys rose and followed their coach outside.
Newt ,along with the rest of their class, watched them leave. His phone vibrated.

Mr. Tommy
Next time? :(

Yeah no problem, Tommy

Okay so I know that earlier in the book we saw their usernames as something else BUT back then they were using an app HERE they are using IM or something y'know?

So yeah those are their saved contact names.

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