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It'd taken him a good ten minutes of him arguing with himself then another of sitting silently in the car, not thinking, not really doing much of anything. He was definitely going mad. Insane even.

Sane people don't spend ten minutes staring off into space, thinking about nothing as an excuse to avoiding talking to their boyfriend- friend- ex. Besides the point.

Newt bit down hard on his lip before leaving the car and finally walking up to the door.

His heart pounded in his chest as if it were trying to get his attention. He pushed sweaty hands into his pockets and kept them there. That's better than them swinging at my sides. Or is it?

What would he say to Tommy once he saw him? Would he even want to talk to Newt? A slice of panic cut through him. What if Tommy hated him for ignoring him all week? What if he turned Newt away with razor sharp words?

Newt's steps slowed. Maybe this was a bad idea. He thought. Maybe I should...

Then the door opened and Newt wasn't thinking at all.

Thomas was standing right there, less than a metre away and he couldn't freaking breathe.

Collecting his wits, he tried to focus on well anything that wasn't Thomas. Not his chocolate eyes, not his soft lips, pale cheeks or small smile that peeked from behind his lips like a shy secret. Newt struggled to form coherent words and finally spoke.

"Did Minho say I was coming over?" He asked with no small amount of monotone, referring to how Thomas had opened the door before he'd even knocked.

Thomas couldn't help the small blush that coloured his cheeks. "No." He admitted. "You've been out here for awhile. I was wondering when you'd..." He trailed off, his meaning clear. Embarrassment burned in Newt's stomach as he realised that Tommy had known he'd been out there the whole time he'd been debating whether to walk up.

Silence reigned momentarily, and the awkwardness between them becoming more noticeable by the second.

Newt frowned. It wasn't supposed to be like this. He and Tommy weren't ever awkward. They always had a million things to say to each other. Conversation between them flowed easily, sure and perfect.

"I'm sorry."

At first Newt wasn't sure if it were he or Thomas would had spoken first. His heart only accelerated when he noticed Thomas gazing at him imploringly and biting his lip nervously.

"I know." He murmured, his lips barely moving. "So am I."

Thomas's face inevitably broke out into a blinding grin. Newt felt an undeniable tug at the corners of his lips. It would be more complicated to see if things would immediately go back to the way they were but for now all was forgiven.

And for now, that was enough.


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 20, 2018 ⏰

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