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Oh, we're at THAT chapter. *coughs awkwardly* Um, just so you know, just because the chapter name is...that. There is no reference whatsoever in the chapter. Okay? Okay, so uh..y-yeah. Bye.

"He did what?" Newt paused from skipping to the next page of his printed notes. He sighed and put the whole folder away, he probably wasn't going to be focusing on parametric equations any time soon, anyway.

Minho leaned forward in his chair, his eyes twinkling with excited mirth like fireflies in June. "Outed himself," he repeated, "in front of half the school."

Newt felt a sinking sensation in his gut. It was all his fault. "How is he?"

Minho's smile broadened a bit more. "Oh, he's fine. Went home early though. People started looking at him weird and a bunch of girls invited him to go shopping with them. I think he was just overwhelmed."

Eyes drifting thoughtfully to the table surface, Newt nodded. "Okay." He reached for the Calculus practice sheets again.

Minho's face dropped. "Okay? T-that's it?"

Newt glanced at him inquiringly. "I'm sorry, were you expecting a different answer?" With every ounce of Brit politeness. Minho scowled.

"Well, yeah. Aren't you gonna talk to him?"

Newt sighed, his brown eyes reflected deep like a crystalline pond. "Why should I? I didn't tell the prat to come out, did I?"

"No." Minho responded quietly, almost subdued before adding, "But he did. Doesn't that change anything?"

"No." Newt replied shortly. "It doesn't."

Minho frowned. Silence reigned long enough for Newt to feel the sickening fingers of guilt twist his stomach into knots.

"Thomas is trying, Newt. I mean, I don't really know what happened between you two but he's trying. I don't really get why you're not."

And before Newt could reply to that, despite not really knowing what to say, Minho stood and left leaving Newt to suffer at the hands of his own conscience.

I told you ;)

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