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Newt was nervous.

No, that would be an understatement.

Newt was shucking terrified.

And, like always, he blamed Thomas. His anxiety was perfectly understandable. 

"Would you stop worrying?" Thomas bumped shoulders with Newt who greeted his optimistic smile with a murderous glare.

"No." He crossed his arms and stared stubbornly at the table. How dare Thomas drag him into this situation. How dare he use Newt's name to bring him into this obscene business. And how dare he insist they have their little 'meeting' at Chick-fil-A.

Newt loved Chick-fil-A. Now, every time he would glance at the building, he would be bedeviled with the awkward memories of meeting his boyfriend's dad for the first time.

Thomas's hand found its way along his crossed arms and deftly slipped into his fist, intertwining their fingers and linking them together. "Hey don't worry," Newt allowed Thomas to bring his- their hands to his lips and press them gently against Newt's skin.

He felt the sparks erupt from the spot, essentially setting his stomach aflame. Newt was breathless as Thomas's brown eyes positively sparkled in the reflecting sunlight. He was exquisite. "He'll love you," the boy continued, a minuscule smile forming on his soft mouth, "I do."

Newt was speechless. Luckily, he was saved from saying anything by a figure walking up to their table and stopping right next to their table. "Thomas."

Thomas rose to give him a hug. "Hey, dad."

Newt was struck by the obvious similarities between Thomas and his father. Their hair for one. They sported the same mass of untidy brown locks on a hot summer day and the same refined nose. The only visible exception was that Thomas's dad had sparkling green eyes. 

Newt was brought back to earth by Thomas's dad turning towards him. Newt realized he'd been staring while lost in thought. He smiled politely. The man held out a calloused hand for him to shake, a broad smile of his own prominent.  Thomas beamed; Newt wanted to smack him. They shook hands and sat down, Newt and his boyfriend across from his boyfriend's father.


"That was fun," Newt commented when Thomas's dad had left. "John's a nice guy."

"See? You were nervous for no reason." Thomas teased, his eyes dancing. Newt blanched. He'd had every reason to be nervous, but he wouldn't tell Thomas that. It was obvious Thomas didn't even know.

"You two have the same horrible sense of humour." Newt finished his sentence with a groan. 

Thomas gasped as if offended. "Well, at least we have a sense of humour!" Newt scoffed. "My jokes are funny!" Thomas defended himself.

"No, they aren't." Newt shook his head, as he stood, getting ready to leave. "They are pitiful at best."

Thomas followed him outside the restaurant. "What does a house wear."

 Newt frowned, heading to the car. "You've already said that one- five times. A house wears address. Haha." He muttered sarcastically.

"What's the hard part about hosting a party in space?" 

Newt put the key into the ignition, a mock thoughtful expression on his face. "Well, the logical answer would be making sure your guests' heads don't explode from lack of oxygen but I suppose that's not the answer?" Thomas shook his head, grinning. "Well, I tried."

"You have to planet." 

Newt pulled out only glancing at Thomas's cheeky face once. "That doesn't make sense, Tommy. I honestly think that's the worse one you've ever come up with"

"I can do worse."

"Can you? Can you really?"

" Why couldn't the bicycle stand on its own?"


"It was two tired." 

"Oh. I get that one. You're right that was horrible."


"You're welcome."


Yes, this is a horribly short chapter. BUT to be fair, I never intended for any chapter to be more than 500-700 words. This hits the mid-mark at around 650. 

Thank you guys for your continuous support. 

You are beautiful, strong and important.


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