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Chuck's funeral was that very Saturday. Newt and Minho joined a clump of persons at Thomas' house. They surrounded the front yard with solemn attitudes like a group of melancholy soldiers. Small conversation made its was way among the persons there but then suddenly, all talk hushed. Thomas emerged from the silent as a shadow house, facing the group of close family and friends with an unreadable expression on his face.

"Thanks for coming, all of you." He paused a few seconds as if choosing the right words, "I-uh- apologize for the absence of my mother she'll see y'all at the church." He scratched the back of his head nervously, running his fingers through his velvety hair. As he spoke Newt's eyes rested on the faded scratch Teresa had made only two days before. Newt wondered if she had apologized or even acknowledged her mistake. His eyes narrowed in suspicious hatred. He was incredibly protective over the hurting brunette, more no doubt, than he'd care to show in that moment.

Suddenly, Newt noticed with a skipped heartbeat and widened eyes that Thomas had been looking in his direction as well. Having caught his eyes, Thomas gave a small half- smile ( which in no way helped control the butterflies already swarming Newt's stomach like a fresh flood of emotion) then turned and went back inside before the blonde could return the gesture. Minho snapped the poor boy out of his trance by giving him a hearty slap on his shoulder. The sound attracted the attention of several bystanders, one of which winced and muttered a low but audible "ouch" as if she were the one hit.( LOWKEY ME)

The noise created had greatly exaggerated the force of impact, however, and Newt didn't feel as much pain as he expected. That didn't stop him from glaring at his friend and mutter a few colourful choice words under his breath. Minho's ears turned pink. "I don't even know what half of those meant." He admitted. "They didn't sound too friendly though."

Newt massaged his arm. "Anyways," Minho shook his head, "Brenda and Jorge are heading to the church right now, so we better go." Newt nodded. He took another long look around the yard, the hearse was just rumbling away, loaded with stuffed animals and flowers. Thomas was nowhere in sight. Newt followed his friends out the gate and towards Jorge's SUV. Newt was a little more than reluctant to travel with Jorge at the wheel: he was infamous for his crazy, reckless driving. Newt was not surprised the vehicle looked as if it had seen better days.

Brenda took shotgun, leaving Minho and Newt in the back. His door had barely shut when the vehicle lurched sharply forward, jerking all the teenagers forward. Jorge let out a loud laugh and beside Newt, Minho let out a long, slow groan.


Newt and his friends were seated upstairs. Here, they had a general view of the entire church. They watched, towering above the majority like royalty, as persons filed into the building idly chatting amongst themselves.

Minho jabbed Newt sharply in his ribs with his elbow. "Minho I swear to-"

Minho cut him off by pointing below them where Thomas and his mother could be clearly be seen surrounded by a small crowd, their arms intertwined. As they watched, Thomas lowered his head and pressed his lips to his mother's cheek then excused himself from the group. His eyes searched the crowd, darting in and out of small bundles like Jorge did in his driving. Minho whistled, Thomas' head shot up to spot them, his face broke out into a relaxed grin. He had obviously been looking for them.

Minho bent halfway over the balcony waving with both hands, Newt had to pull him back after giving a very subtle, very casual- he hoped cool wave of his own. Thomas grinned at his Asian friend's antics then turned and headed to his seat as the minister entered.

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