I Wish Poem and I Am Poem

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I wish I could be honest

Like other animals

And I dream about accepting worlds

I am another fake exterior

I used to talk until I was out of breath

But now I wait for everyone else to run out of breath

I seem to not care

But I'm really just lost
I am observant and curious

I wonder what impact I'm going to have on life

I hear the words I want to hear from the wrong people

I see the bluest sky hidden by a supposedly transparent window

I want to stop wanting

I am observant and curious

I pretend to have it all together

I feel myself getting weaker every time the season changes

I touch the fake S.O.S button

I worry that my doubts are eating away at me

I cry when I face the unknown

I am observant and curious

I understand that you can't save everyone

I say everyone should at least try saving themselves first and then see what happens next

I dream about a "there for you" world

I try to love the world

I hope I'll have a happy ending

I am observant and curious

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