Happy Birthday

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I was in kindergarten. We were standing in line by the wall opposite to the bathrooms on the second floor. It was my birthday, and I was wearing my birthday sticker and my birthday crown. While waiting, this whole line of fifth graders came down the hall. I thought they were huge. It seemed like they were fifty feet tall. When they saw me they smiled, and as they kept walking each one said to me, "Happy birthday." I don't really remember anything else from that day, but I remember that in that moment I was happy. I felt so special and shy, and I was so glad that it was my birthday. Maybe that's why I love birthdays so much. Sometimes it may seem that I make too big a deal about birthdays, and some people don't like birthdays because it reminds them they're getting older. However, birthdays are also a reminder that you're still living, and maybe I make such a big deal about birthdays because I remember the joy of them as a child. Maybe people won't care if I say happy birthday to them, but maybe it'll mean the world to one person.

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