One Step Forward, Two Steps Back

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Sometimes, it feels like I'm walking on a horizontal line. I'm not moving forwards or backwards, but I'm still moving. They don't mean to leave me behind, but sometimes I wander off so far that they forget about me. Sometimes, I'm so scared of change that I freeze and try to hold onto the past, and when I finally let it go everyone is already hundreds of feet away. It started last year, when a good friend moved away. Even now, trying to remember hurts. They had a kind laugh and a confident but awkward way about them. They were strong and tall, but their baby face softened their appearance. When they moved, I think a seed was planted. I didn't want to believe this fact. I used to think that I was cursed, and that I somehow made them leave. The truth is, people were made to be in your life, but not to stay in it. I'm going to have to face this truth many times as I continue to grow up and enter the real world. I'll just have to trust that "the universe is unfolding as it should".

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