I See You There... Poem/ The End

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I see you there, Sang Sorenson 

Your endless courage and forgiving nature 

I picture you sometimes chameleon hair, sometimes 

racing your friends in the glistening pool. Your 

smile and laugh brightening the world around you.

I see your true self from behind your terrible mask. 

I smell the perfumes and colognes, as if it can only 

linger but thoroughly overwhelming.

I see you there, running from your house, 

beckoning in your quiet sing-song voice.

I see you there, the one who got hurt;

that the one you called on by blood betrayed you.

I smell strawberries. The spice you met in a 

planned accident; the rest of your life after that 

making me laugh with envy; the sound of 

laughter, true family squabbles. 

You hadn't trusted, but you believed in hope.

I would have my dreams and you would have the opportunities. 

You would fall into the most amazing trouble.

I see you there with chosen people, each one unique 

and entirely different than the previous one. 

It was better than the life without them, always 

keeping your head down. 

It would not matter, you thought. 

It did not matter if you talked to them or not.

It smelled suffocating and poisonous, then you were saved. 

Most important was that you found your home 

and I would visit every now and then. 

I see you there Sang, being brave, and 

proving that family is a choice.

Thank you for joining me on my 2018 poetry journey. I'm pretty sure this isn't the last of my poems, so maybe I'll come back with more next year. Thanks again for reading, and I hope you have enjoyed walking this path alongside me! ~Olivia

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