An Unfinished Song

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Life is a song writing process. For some, the beginning is really easy. Some are waiting for something to happen even though they aren't sure what that something is. As we go on this journey, sometimes we get stuck. There's so many words and tunes in our head that everything around us just seems so insignificant. Everything starts to feel all muddy. We look at other people, and we wonder why it seems so easy for them to write a song. We don't realize that they're struggling just as much. Sometimes we wish we could just give up on writing the song. These past couple months I've felt this way. Thankfully, a couple months ago I also found Sara Bareilles. Sara Bareilles understood the feelings in me that are so hard to say to the people in my life. She understood the things that are "not simple to say", and that "I'm not anything like I used to be". She sang the lyrics in my heart that I've been scared to say out loud like how I'm "lonely most of the time". I believe the most important thing though, is that she reminded me that I have "to fight just a little, to bring back the fire in her eyes". I haven't finished my song yet, but I'll keep pushing forward and trying. Hopefully, someday I can come back and sing it for you.

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