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             I woke up to the thought that I could just ask my mum since she was somehow being pulled into all this. I sat up and glances at my clock. 4 am. She was probably still asleep. But this can't wait.

            I got out of bed and cautiously walked down the hallway to my parent's room. I opened the door and surprisingly my mum was not there. Her side of the bed was messy.


           I walked out and I heard some talking coming from the guest room. I walked to it and tried to make out the words. it was definitely my mum. I know that voice anywhere. "She is innocent and did nothing wrong. Just leave her alone," I heard her hiss at someone. Strange. I peeked through the door and I saw my mum in her pyjamas talking to someone but I couldn't see who it was. In fact I couldn't see if she was talking to someone.

           My mind wanted me to go back to bed and ask her in the morning.  But my gut urged me to walk through the door and ask her what was going on. And now I wish I did listen to my mind.

           I burst through the door expecting to see someone stand with my mum but she was all alone. Okayyy. This was even stranger. "Mum. Who were you talking to? " I asked as I looked around for the mysterious person. She gave me the cheapest smile ever "Huh? I wasn't talking dear. Why are you up its 4 in the morning, " she said changing the subject.

          "I needed to ask you something, " I said still peering around. "Yes?" she answered looking jumpy. "Mum do you know a girl named Raina? " that shocked her. Her eyes were wide and she tried not to let her mouth drop to the floor. I asked again. "Or the lady in the picture you're holding?" I said noticing she was holding it the whole time.

          She looked at me "Well I-I was just-um-i-, " I cut her off. "Just tell me mum!" "Raina is...

The Woman In The MirrorWhere stories live. Discover now