Getting Away

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           "Raina is my sister. She died before uou were born. Murdered. We did not know who did it at first. But I kept getting these nightmares of her and she led me to accuse our grandma. She was sentenced to jail and she died while there. That's why whenever you ask about my grandma I always try to change the subject. I protected you from my past," she finally finished and looked at me. I was shocked as I took in everything.

            Raina was my aunt and she was murdered by her grandma. My great grandma. My mind started to whirl around all the possibilities why my great grandmother was after me. I mean my mum was the one that put her to jail not me. I didn't want her to get hurt but why can't she just leave us alone.

            I was distracted from my thoughts by the sound of my phone ringing. I saw the caller ID. Jason. I picked up. "Hello?" "Hi Amanda! I was wondering if you would like to have lunch with me?" "Oh where?" "Ummmm....McDonald's," I rolled my eyes. How romantic. "Yea sure I'll meet you there in half an hour?" "Sounds good! Meet you there!" he said and I hung up.

           I looked through my closet and decided to wear a tank top and jeans. I did my hair and a dash of makeup. "I'm having lunch with a friend! " I yelled down to my mum. "Oh you found a friend?" "Yea he want to have lunch at McDonald's, " I said slipping on my sneakers. "oooouuu love among the big macs," she swooned. I rolled my eyes and darted for the door before she asks anymore embarrassing questions.

At McDonald's.

          I went in and immediately saw Jason on his phone. I walked up to him and peeked at what was he doing. He turned and caught me. He smiled and told me to sit. "Hi," I said "Hi," he replied still staring me. Did I have something on my face? "It's rude to stare you know," I said giggling. He blushed scarlet and asked me what I wanted.

           He ordered for me and came back with some coffee too. I took it from him and we started talking. I think we talked for a long time because it was starting to get dark. "Shit is that the time?" I said checking my watch. "Oh I'll drop you off if you like," he offered and gave me smile. I gave in. In my defence he charmed me before giving my answer.

          We got in the car and he turned on the radio and One Direction came on. I squealed in my seat as I sang along. Jason chuckeld and sang too. We didn't care if we sang off key we just sang our hearts out.

         He droped me off and as I was leaving he gave me a peck on the cheek. I blushed as I got out and waved goodbye.

       I skipped into the house. My mum was there. Thank God. I can't stay alone in that house anymore.

       "So? how'd go?" she questioned.  I smiled and she got the message. I ran up to my room only to be greeted with my laptop on and a message on the screen.



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