Stars Hollow

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"I'm going to kill my mother!" Lorelai shouted storming into the pool house and slamming the door so vigorously that it nearly fell off its hinges. "What happened now?" Rory asked looking up from the book she was reading. "Oh nothing that Hitler himself wouldn't disapprove of." Lorelai sighed taking a seat next to her daughter on the sofa. "That's a bit drastic comparing grandma to  Hitler!" "No not comparing just saying that he would approve! I need to move out of here Rory I can't live in my parents pool house forever for my mental state and for my parents...well surviving!" "But we can't afford to move out!" Rory said. "We'll find a way Rory all I know is that I can't stay in this house one more minute." "Well maybe we can move to a small town? They're cheaper to rent in." Rory suggested. "How do you even know that?" Loreali asked. Rory shrugged. "I'm gonna go to bed, night Mom." She said kissing her Mum on the cheek. "Sweet dreams Kid." Loreali smiled. 

"Guess what?" Loreali exclaimed shaking Rory to wake her. "What time is it?" Rory cried. "Two in the morning but I have really great news!" "Oh how fantastic!" Rory snapped sarcastically. "What's wrong with you?" Loreali asked. "My physcotic mother woke me up at 2am that's what's wrong!" "But I have exciting news! I talked to my friend Carry..." "Crazy Carry?" "She's not crazy! Anyway she said that her friend Liz's brother Luke owns a Diner in a place called Moons Hollow....or maybe it was Stars Hollow......anyway the houses there are really cheap and as long as I double my hours at the supermarket then we can afford an apartment." "That's good....but what about Chilton..." Rory asked rubbing her eyes and sitting up in bed. "Well, I'm sure your grandparents would keep paying for it but I don't want to rely on them anymore I want to be independent and there is a really good school in Stars Hollow called Stars Hollow High very originally and although it's not a private school....well your a smart girl and you'll go to Harvard no matter what high school you go to." "Moving school?" Rory asked nervously. "There's no uniform at this school so it's goodbye snobby plaid skirts...oh and you'll get rid of Paris!" "Well that's definetly a plus." Rory laughed. "Just think about it Hon, we're a democracy here so if you don't want to move then I'll wait until you go to college ok?" Lorelai said. "Ok, love you Mom" "Love you Loin Fruit!" "Mom!" "Sorry, I'm leaving....Loin Fruit!" 

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