Harvard, Princeton or Yale?

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"Mom!" Rory shouted. "Rory what's wrong are you hurt?" Loreali asked worriedly. "The mail just came, I've got my college acceptances. They're all big envelopes." Rory gasped her eyes filled with tears. "Really?" Lorelai screamed jumping off the sofa and hugging Rory as they started jumping up and down together. "We are so celebrating tonight! Let's go now, anywhere you like!" Lorelai cried. "I need to call Jess first." Rory said slipping out of the hug with Lorelai and grabbing her phone. "Oh...ok." Lorelai sighed as she watched Rory disappear into her bedroom she felt a little disappointed and, although she would never admit it, jealous.

"Which college do you think you'll go to?" Jess asked after the initial excitement was over. "Well my grandparents want me to go to Yale but my Mom wants me to go to Harvard..." "Where do you want to go?" Jess interrupted. "Honestly I've dreamed of Harvard since I was a little kid, it's where I belong. Your right I should go where I want, I'm not going to let my Grandparents manipulate me otherwise especially after what they said to you. I'm going to Harvard! Wait maybe I should make a pro con list first..." "Don't overthink it." Jess laughed. "You just said you've always dreamed of Harvard so go to Harvard. Plus there are some really great apartments round there..." "You started researching apartments?" Rory asked. "Not researching I was just bored and I had a look in a newspaper and I happened to see a great apartment which would be ready a few weeks before you would start at Harvard, it's affordable, only a short bus ride to Harvard and not far from some shops I could work in." Jess explained. "You researched it!" Rory said in a half mocking half completely smitten way.

Friday night dinner that week started off well. Rory and her grandfather talked and Lorelai made an inappropriate joke and got a disapproving glare from Emily so all was as usual until Richard asked about college. "Well I was accepted to Harvard, Princeton and Yale." Rory said. "I knew you could do it, I must ring my friend his idiot grandson who he always brags about didn't get into an Ivy League at all, not even Brown!" Richard laughed. "Oh stop it Richard! We're very proud of you Rory." Emily smiled. "So you think you know where you'll go?" She added on the end subtly. "Harvard." Lorelai answered. "Let Rory decide for herself Lorelai." Emily snapped. "I did. She chose Harvard." Loreali replied bluntly. "Well then let her tell us herself." Emily said. "She will, go on Rory." Lorelai prompted. "Sorry grandma and grandpa but I want to go Harvard." Rory told them. "It's fine Rory you don't have to apologise we're still very proud of you Harvard is a great school." Richard smiled.

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