Chapter 1: "DICKINSON"

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LORD I'm so nervous about today, what if I get lost and some jerk gives me the wrong directions?What If people think I'm a nerd and don't want to be friends with me? How am I even going to make friends? I'm super awkward. I bite my bottom lip and bouncing my feet up and down.Baby you will be alright, everything will be fine." mama tries to assure me.

"You don't know that" I snap. We have been over this a 100 times already. The anxiety and nervousness is just too much. And I'm not handling it very well.

Mama blinks a few times, shocked by my tone towards her.
"You're right I don't." She sighs and starts talking "I know you don't want to be here but-"
I zone out as we pull up the school's parking lot.

There are few cars here and there's also few students on the school grounds and some are hanging around the parking lot. The car stops and I sit still, not making any movement.

"I don't want to go in there" I say in a low voice.

"Honey..." Mama pleads.

"No! I want to go home"

"Baby I'm sorry but that's not possible, this is the best school here, the students are nice and they also have art classes. I'm sure you will like it" Mama smiles.

"I'm sure I won't. I don't want to be here" my voice is getting thick and the last thing I want to do is cry on my first day here.

Get it together girl. I tell myself.

It's going to be okay...

No it's not!. A tiny little voice sings in my head. I take a long deep breath and unbuckle the seatbelt as I take my backpack and open the door. Before I step out mama stops me.

"Everything will be fine, try to make friends and have a nice day. I love you okay" she smiles sweetly at me. Pity I can't return the smile right now. Without another word I hop out of the car and slam the door shut.

I take another deep breath before I start walking towards the school entrance. It's a good thing that I arrived early I'll be able to check out my classes so that I won't get lost. I slowly walk up the stairs and enter the two big doors of the school building. Now where to from here? I look around the hall way that has less than 20 students.

I check my time table the first class is physics Great!. This school is big and I have no idea where I'm at right now. I look around and spot a friendly looking girl standing with a guy next to her nearby the green lockers. Maybe I should go and ask them for directions. I unconsciously walk towards them.

Now girl you can do this. Just walk confidently, don't say anything stupid. Greet them and ask for directions that's all. You don't need to do any introductions, it's not like you're making friendship here, just ask one simple thing. Clear your throat so you won't sound like a dying mouse. You can do this!!!!.

I give myself a small pep talk as I make my way to the couple. They seem to be in a conversation.

Oh My God I'm going to disturb them.

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