Chapter Five

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Running from the morning
Think I hit a wall
Late nights, not you
Running from the moment
So I don't recall
Late nights, not you

Being back in the studio took a lot for her to do. But the singer knew that she had to get out the feelings she was dealing with lately and music was the only true way she knew how to these days. Sure, she could go to Dinah, but she was sure that her dancer had heard enough and all about it, plus some more. She didn't want to annoy her dancer, because she had a constant feeling that she was when she'd talk about the woman across the hall. Then again, Camila knew how good of a friend Dinah was. She was just insecure.

Waking up in a cold sweat
Someone else in this cold bed
I'd do anything to not be alone
All alone with the ceiling
All alone with this feeling
And I wonder if I'll ever let go

Thinking back to that night, where Lauren's friend had dumped her drink on her, Camila couldn't believe Lucy had the audacity to do that. The singer wasn't sure how Lucy was raised, but she knew that she herself was raised to give kindness to others, even if they weren't giving it back. And as far as she knew, all Lucy had was to go off of Lauren's side of the story about their break up. Thinking of that only upset the singer even more though because she now was thinking about that night and how Lauren came to her door to check on her, only to stand there and try to defend Lucy's name. Sure, it showed that Lauren was a good friend. But Camila thought that even with their break up, Lauren would choose her. She felt wrong.

"Lauren." She mumbled.

"Camila." The pale girl said in return with a sigh. "I just wanted to see if you were okay. I couldn't sleep."

Looking at the girl in front of her right now, Camila felt two things. Anger boiling inside of her for the shit her friend just put her through. Then she felt sad, because she knew what she had put Lauren through while she was on tour. And here Lauren was, standing in front of her, clearly cold as she shook and had her arms rubbing along her skin to keep warm. Camila wanted to be mad, shut the door and tell her to fuck off, but she couldn't. She wasn't that kind of person, especially not towards her ex-girlfriend.

"I'm fine." Camila said, her tone neutral.

Lauren's head tilted, sensing that her ex was lying. "Camila, I'm so sorry for what Lucy did... I - I have no excuse."

Camila sighed, "You really don't since I know she's right through that door." Pointing to the door of the apartment across from the one she was in now. "Out of all the people that could be living in my apartment, it's a girl that yells at me and throws drinks down my back. Good choice in friends, Lauren."

"Hey," Lauren said, caught off guard. "she's never been like this before. She's never been hot headed or mean before. She's actually a really deep, caring person. She just - I've talked to her about us before, she must've gotten upset when she saw you tonight."

"It wasn't her relationship to get upset over." Camila stated, shaking her head.

"I know, I know." Not wanting to argue, Lauren sighed, knowing her ex was right. "I just wanted to make sure you were okay, that's all."

Camila took a moment to look at the older woman in front of her, then huffed. "I'm fine. So can you please leave and go back to your little friend?"

"Can you not?" Lauren asked, as nicely as possible. "I know she fucked up. I get that you probably think she's a horrible person, but she's my friend. So give her the benefit of the doubt."

"I stop giving your friends the benefit of the doubt the moment you broke up with me and never gave me an actual explanation." Camila told her, shaking her head in disgust that her ex would even say something like that. "Or I stopped giving them the benefit of the doubt when they pour a drink on me for no fucking reason. I don't know why you told her for her to do that to me, but thanks because now I know my publicist is going to rip me a new one once that video is leaked all over."

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