Chapter 53 -- Trapped

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Twice since they had fled the rocket, Kill had heard John's voice over their communication devices. Even though they were separated by a great distance, the unique shape of the land kept them in communication.

The first message was to say that Jane was gone. If Kill had heard, everyone had heard, including Michael sitting in the dune buggy behind him. Kill could feel Michael's presence reaching out, buzzing with angry electricity, even though Michael remained silent.

The second was to say that Evan had come back to John. They were okay, although trapped by Anders. John was very clear that he did not expect a rescue.

"Look at the sky!" Hoshe called out, moving in his seat until he was practically on Kill's seat beside him. "What's happening?!"

Kill glanced up, keeping his hands firmly on the steering bar of the dune buggy. Huge dark billowing clouds had formed against a lighter gray background, their tops reaching high into the rapidly changing sky.

"It's a storm!" Sama cried, his voice coming through their helmets. He veered the dune buggy he was driving a little closer to Kill's.

"I've never seen a storm like that!" Hoshe cried out.

Kill considered. "I have seen many storms: ones that rain sheets of sand that blind you, ones that send rocks that break you. This sky is different. This sky is moving."

"Whatever it is, we've got to find shelter!" Sama had already driven his buggy up beside Kill's. "We know this planet well enough. We would be fools not to act."

The land was sand with long, low, finger-like ridges. "There are no caves here, no structures of any kind for six hours." Kill checked the sky again to see which way the storm was going. The clouds were in terrible turmoil, folding in on themselves only to be replaced by a giant rising cloud behind them. They were coming from all directions. "It is madness up there." Kill murmured.

"What about John?" Soon, who was sitting beside Michael, brought the matter to Kill's attention. She leaned forward, her face next to Hoshe's, who was still staring up to the sky, his neck craned. "Kill, we can't let him die. We are too vulnerable without him. John knows Seehoiah. We may be safe now, but when we find a new place to live, and life settles down, then we will need him. You know this. John has ensured our survival for eighteen years. No one can think like he can. Kill, a little foresight now, will prevent our own inevitable destruction later."

Kill gripped the steering bar harder.

"You know this area better than I Kill, where is the nearest shelter?" Sama asked.

"The sky!" Hoshe was moving violently around in his seat. "Look at the sky!"

"We've got to go back." Soon put her hand on Kill's shoulder. "Kill, you know this. Some things can't be transferred, some things can't be taught."

Kill thrust out his elbow to push Soon away. "Let me think."

"Think out loud Kill, this involves everyone." Soon said before she leaned back.

Kill stared at the land ahead, occasionally his eyes flicked up to the sky. "The rocket had no damage."

Hoshe looked at Kill, then looked back at Soon and silent brooding Michael. The confusion on Hoshe's face was evident, but Soon knew Kill well enough to let him keep talking and not interrupt, even to help Hoshe understand. Michael leaned forward paying close attention, Soon took his hand in hers.

"That meant the Ander's Nest has never been hit by a storm." Kill continued. "It must be too far east, or perhaps the shape of the land makes the rocks fall on the edge of the plains, leaving the clouds empty by the time they pass over the interior. The rocket has never been hit." Kill turned and made eye contact with Hoshe. "Never."

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