Their Reaction to Baby

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Their reaction to you being pregnant.

When you told him that you were pregnant he was immediately happy. He had the biggest smile on his face as he picked you up and spun you around and spent the rest of the night talking to the baby.

When you told him you were pregnant he said he needed ait and stood outside. It scared you at first cause you thought you would have to raise the baby by yourself but he came back in with a smile.

When you told him about the pregnancy he was scared. He was worried he wouldn't be a good father. But you reassured him and he smiled gently as he kissed you with a ton of passion.

You did not tell Damian you were pregnant, he found out for himself.  He found out you were pregnant when your eating changed, you began to vomit, and one time you asked him for fish and chocolate, and you hate fish. He however assured you he was happy about the pregnancy and you smiled.

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