Chapter 17

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Disclaimer: I do not own anything related to The Vampire Diaries, TV show or books. However I decided to have a little play around with the characters (I would definitely like to play with Damon).

Warning for smut.

Shouts and screams came from the library as Tyler slammed himself into the bookshelf, scattering books all over the floor in the process. "Agh! I can fight this!" he cried as he began breathing heavily and falling to the floor, trying his hardest to fight Rebekah's compulsion. He crawled over to a table, pulling himself up as his bones began to break causing him to grunt in protest from not being able to do anything about it. He slammed his fists on a table, as a show of defiance, but only breaking it in the process, as Caroline, Elena, and Stefan all watched on in horror.

"Get out of here!" Tyler screamed.

"Go-go!" Stefan yelled to Elena and Caroline as the three of them ran into the hallway. Stefan closed the door, leaving only the sound of Tyler's screams behind them as Caroline ran down the hallway.

"That door's not gonna hold him!" Elena told Stefan as they ran away down the hallway in the opposite direction from Caroline, as Tyler followed them, now in his wolf form. Elena and Stefan closed a set of fire doors, to try lock Tyler out, as Stefan grabbed the fire axe from the fire emergency kit and stuck it in the door handles reinforce the barrier, however, they quickly discovered it wasn't strong enough. Stefan and Elena rammed into the door which began denting and opening through the sheer brute force of Tyler's wolf strength. As they struggled to keep it closed, Elena quickly let go and ran over to a locker, ripping off the door before sticking it through the door handles. Stefan and Elena backed away from the door and stared at each other as Tyler growled through the doors. They both charged at the door, banging it shut, when suddenly it became quiet, Tyler had gone.

Rebekah was fuming with rage with her brother. They were still in the custodial closet, arguing whilst Professor Shane was still lying lifeless on the ground.

"You should be thanking me." Kol smiled.

"You killed my only chance at finding the cure." Rebekah shouted back angrily.

"Silas on the loose would be hell on Earth. Frankly, sister,I don't think you could handle it." Kol told her as he pulled out the white oak stake, flipping it around, goading her.

"How did you get that?" Rebekah asked in disbelief.

"Way too easily." Kol said as he offered a sly grin before he turned and left, walking out of the closet, as Rebekah began to follow him.

"Help! Someone help!" Bonnie called out, as she tried to help the unconscious April who was bleeding from the stomach in the identical spot where Professor Shane had been stabbed, due to Bonnie accidentally linking them. Suddenly the classroom door opened and Elena and Stefan rush into the room only to see Bonnie cradling April's limp body.

"Bonnie, what's going on?" Elena cried.

"She needs help." Bonnie begged them frantically.

"What happened?" Stefan asked as he bit his wrist.

"I did a protection spell, but it accidentally linked Shane to April." Bonnie told them, as Stefan crouched down over April.

"And you couldn't control it?" Elena looked worried about this revelation. Damon had her that warned this might happen.

"I didn't know I was doing it! Usually I feel pain or I bleed, but this time I just felt more power." Bonnie told her desperately as Stefan began feeding April his blood,

"It's okay, it's okay! You're okay, you're okay." Stefan told April softly as she woke up gasping and petrified, he held her in his arms, to try and comfort her, before turning to Bonnie."Bonnie, get out of the school. Just be careful. Tyler's out there, and he turned." Stefan instructed.

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