Chapter 18

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Disclaimer: I do not ownanything related to The Vampire Diaries, TV show or books. However Idecided to have a little play around with the characters (I woulddefinitely like to play with Damon).

Warning lots of smut.

Elena knew the sun was pouring in through the bedroom window asshe woke, even though she hadn't even opened her eyes to the world.Not ready to get up, Elena rolled over only to find an obstacle inher path. Opening her eyes she looked up and saw the pale white skinand raven hair of Damon laying fast asleep on his back, his left armtucked behind his head. Elena smiled, it reminded her of the timeDamon had woken her up to take her to Chicago to find Stefan. Damonhad lain there all glorious in black, looking extremely hot for firstthing in the morning, although that was not a surprise, he alwayslooked hot. However that was nothing compared to how he looked now.His face was completely relaxed with just a hint of a smile, theserious expression which usually clouded his face were gone. Insteadit was replaced by an innocent boyish look, which was what sheassumed must have been closer to how he had appeared when he washuman.

She thought back to the previous day when Rebekah had compelledher to think back to when she'd started seeing him as her future,when she'd first began to notice him as anything other than Stefan'solder and more annoying brother. It hadn't been a shock when thecompulsion triggered the memory of when they danced together at theMiss Mystic Falls pageant the previous year. He'd looked amazing inhis black suit, having almost every woman in the audience practicallydrooling over him, however it was when he took her in his arms andthey began dancing together when that defining moment happened forher. For nights after, he'd plagued her dreams, in them, after they'dfinished the dance, he'd taken her some place private where they'dmake out, his hands traveling up her legs, but she always woke atthat moment, all hot and turned on.

What had surprised her about the previous day's revelations, waswhen Rebekah had compelled her to remember when she first saw afuture for herself and Damon, the moment she first loved him, the waysomeone loves their partner as opposed to a friend. She'd assumed ithad been around the time they went to Denver, but the memory was muchfurther back, back to a time when she was technically still withStefan. It was her eighteenth birthday, and they'd been standing infront of the mirror together as he placed Stefan's necklace aroundher neck. Her feelings were something that had been locked away inher subconscious, and she hadn't even become aware of it herselfuntil Rebekah had compelled her. It comforted her to think she'dfinally found her way into the arms of the man she truly loved. Herand Stefan were never meant to be, and this was her proof. She wouldwithhold this information until she needed to use it. For Damon itwould be his reassurance that her love for him was real and not inany way related to vampirism. For Stefan it would be her way oftelling him that her change of heart had nothing to do with vampirismbut her feelings prior to her change. She suspected it was her tryingto rekindle her romance with Stefan and not the vampirism which hadfinally opened her eyes to her true feelings for Damon. Stefan hadfelt childish and wrong compared to her being used to being aroundDamon. Human or vampire, sooner or later, she'd have inevitably leftStefan for Damon.

Looking down at him now, instead of him being all dressed inblack, like he had been that day woken her to take her to Chicago, hewas completely naked, just covered at the waist by the comforter, andhe looked glorious. He was probably the only man in the whole worldwho could make a pale white chest look unbelievably sexy. Justlooking at him like that turned her on. Out of curiosity, she beganto wonder how he'd feel about them reliving her Miss Mystic Fallspageant fantasy, him in his suit, her in her pageant dress, maybelocked in a closet somewhere. Even better if there were people closeby, or at least the possibility of them getting caught. The thoughtthat she was going to try and persuade him to go ahead with herfantasy shocked her and turned her on even more. With Damon she couldbe bold and free, she was sure he'd be up for something a little moreinteresting. He'd told her the first time they met that she wantedpassion, adventure and a little danger, well now was the time tostart exploring that side of her.

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