Chapter 56

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Disclaimer: I do not own anything related to The Vampire Diaries, TV show or books. However I decided to have a little play around with the characters (I would definitely like to play with Damon).

Bonnie was on her third glass of bourbon when there was a banging on her bedroom door. She got up and walked as straight as she could over to it and opened it to face Damon who hadn't quite managed to button up his shirt correctly and was swaying slightly. Bonnie tried not to blush at the sight and memory of what he was capable of doing to a woman. Her idea was to drink herself into oblivion and hopefully forget the details. However it looked like Damon and Elena weren't going to let her off the hook that easily.

"Living room, now!" Damon commanded. "And give me that bottle of bourbon!" he demanded, his voice perfectly clear.

"We're testing the psychic link." Bonnie told him, her words slightly slurred.

"I know." Damon sighed. "But for this test, it might be easier to be in the same room, just to make sure you don't kill yourself."

"Fine!" Bonnie snapped as she stumbled across the bedroom and grabbed the bottle of bourbon and her grimoire. "Wouldn't a text have been enough?" she asked, wondering why Damon had come to see her instead of simply texting her.

"We did. Your phone is on silent." Damon growled.

"Sorry." Bonnie giggled as Damon wandered to the living room and Bonnie followed.

Elena was already sat on one of the couches in front of the fire. Damon sat next to her, wrapping his arms around her while Bonnie flopped down opposite them, not knowing what to expect.

"So, Bon Bon." Damon smiled. "I take it you changed the psychic links so we could experience being drunk with you." he asked.

"Nope!" Bonnie shook her head.

"So let's get this straight, if you had managed to sever the right links and remain tied to us how we agreed, I shouldn't feel drunk right now." Damon stated. "I should only be able to smell bourbon."

"What sense was left Bonnie?" Elena asked.

"Can't you tell?" Bonnie asked.

"I'm too drunk." Elena admitted. "How much did you drink? An entire bottle?" she asked.

"Three glasses." Bonnie told her.

"Lightweight." Damon laughed. "On the plus side, this is an awesome way to get drunk. I haven't felt this buzzed since 1864." he grinned.

"Seriously?" Bonnie asked, shocked. She'd seen Damon drunk a number of times, and always thought he was much further gone than she was right at this point.

"Drinking bourbon is like drinking low alcohol beer." Elena explained. "It is technically possible to get drunk, but you have to drink a lot in a short space of time. You sober up before you know it." she said.

"That's a bummer." Bonnie frowned.

"On the plus side, if you can replicate a spell like this for Ric. We could find him a human drinking buddy who he can get trashed with." Damon laughed. "He's devastated about his alcohol tolerance. He hasn't been wasted since he became a vampire."

"Umm, can we get back to the serious side of this conversation?" Elena asked.

Bonnie's face dropped, she didn't want to discuss the sensation issue.

"Okay, so lets see..." Damon started. "I can't taste bourbon, I can't see through Bon Bon's eyes, I couldn't hear the silence in Bon Bon's room, I can't feel the bottle in Bon Bon's hand. I can't hear her thoughts, however I feel drunk. Which tells me, if you didn't change a damn thing, you have had a very enjoyable evening so far." he eyed her with concern.

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