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Tallulah Grace

Walking down the road towards the beech, Wolf and I walk at the back to talk as everyone sings out of tune to a song I don't know. "What are we doing?" I giggle looking at Wolf who smiles down at me wrapping an arm over me, "making friends" he grins widely, I giggle shaking my head slightly. "We splitting?" I ask yawning loudly, he thinks for a second before nodding down at me "yeah go connect with curly and I'll make friends with Gemma" he smirks nodding. I roll my eyes pressing a finger to my ear piece, "right Luke we are all walking down the beach where we are splitting, I'm going to stay with Harry and his friends while Wolf is going to try and gain some friendship with Gemma" I inform him as we reach the beach, "okay that's fine guys keep me updated" Luke replies before logging off. Wolf kisses my head slightly before walking over to where Gemma was taking her shoes off to dance in the sand, I looked over to wear Harry was only to find him already looking at me and walking towards me. He smiles as he reaches me, holding out a hand he raises an eyebrow, "care to dance?" he asks smiling, I giggle quietly, "I don't dance" I whisper, he sighs loudly "okay then care to walk down the beach with me?" he tries again making me laugh, I nod taking his hand as he pulls me into his side and wraps his arm over my shoulder before leading us towards his friends. As we reached the small group they gave a cheer making me giggle, "you're very pretty Lou" Niall said drunkly, I chuckled "uh thanks" I said awkwardly. A hand snaked round my bare waist making me shiver slightly as I was once again by Harry's side, "so tell us a bit about yourself" he said smiling down at me, my eyes widened slightly as I couldn't really tell them about anything, I needed to make something up. "Uh I'm not that interesting" I mumble rubbing my arm nervously, "I'm sure that's not true" Liam says taking a seat on the sand, the others follow his lead before I take a seat next to Harry leaving a bit of space around us, Harry chuckles reaching his arms around my waist once more and pulling me into his side. "Okay uh I'm eighteen, I used to live in London with my sister, my favourite colour is black I guess" I chuckle not sure what to say, "what about your parents?" Louis asks as they all watch me, I gulp slightly, "oh they're dead" I mumble tightening the grip on my arm, it seems Harry also tightened his arm around me in a comfort squeeze, "oh I'm sorry" Louis said looking guilty. "Oh no it's fine don't worry" I chuckled trying to lighten the air. "Anyway what about you guys? Tell me about yourselves" I say leaning back into Harry's chest and sighing, I was really fucking tired. 

"My full name is Harry Styles, I'm seventeen, I play guitar these guys are my best friends and my favourite colour is orange" he smiles down at me, I smile back him, I knew all of that apart from the guitar part and his favourite colour, how creepy. "Are you and Wolf like a thing then?" Liam asks wiggling his eyebrows, I laugh loudly throwing my head back onto Harry's shoulder, shaking my head no I look back to Liam "he's like my best friend but then again he's my only friend so" I giggle. "You're only friend?" Niall raises his eyebrow as I nod my head, "that can't be true I mean look at you" Liam ads smiling widely at me, I laugh loudly again shaking my head "I have no time for friends, I work constantly and if I'm not working I'm with my daughter" I say before my face drops realising my mistake. Luckily they don't seem to have realised, "what do you work as?" Liam asks scrunching his eyebrows, my eyes widen once again as I get stuck. Pretending to yawn loudly I push myself off the sand, "sorry guys I'm knackered so I'm gonna head off hopefully I'll see you around on Monday" I quickly say before walking over to wear Wolf is sat next to Gemma as they chat. "Hey I'm so sorry Wolf we have to go" I say quickly smiling kindly at Gemma, "oh of course sorry" she giggles, "oh no I'm just getting tired" I laugh helping her up off the sand, "I'm Gemma" she gives me a small hug, I stiffen at the contact, "uh Lou" I reply giving her a small smile before walking away to let them say goodbye. "Daughter ey?" I hear a deep voice as Harry walks beside me, "uh" I get stuck for words, he smiles shaking his head, "don't worry out little secret" he whispers and my heart instantly warms at his words. I nod smiling at the floor, "how old is she?" he asks wrapping an arm over my shoulder, "she's one, my little Darcy" I say looking up to him with a wide smile, he smiles down at me. "Awe I've always loved that name, is she living with you down here?" he asks keeping his smile on his lips, my smile falters slightly, "no she's living with my sister in London for now" I whisper looking down. "Oh that must be hard" his voice drops quietly, I just nod before pulling my phone out of my bra and clicking it on. My background was a picture of my sister and I in bikinis on the beach, Darcy on my hip in a matching bikini to me, ice cream smudged all over her face. Showing Harry his smile widens as he takes in the picture, I don't even register the fact that all my skin is showing and he can see all my tattoos showing.

"Tattoos" he mutters looking at me with a smirk. "Fuck sake" I mutter wanting to kick myself, Harry laughs loudly "our little secret don't worry" he repeats from earlier, I look up to him smirking "yeah our little secret" I chuckle. "Hey I have a few" he says shrugging, I look at him wide eyed, "but you're eighteen?" I ask confused, he laughs nodding "I have a mate who is a tattoo artist so he does them for me" he says. "Oh sweet" I nod my head impressed. "You show me I show you?" he raises an eyebrow, my curiosity got the better of me as we reached Wolf's car, I nodded "sure" a smirk graced my lips and he pulled away from me and grabbed the back of his shirt before puling it over his head revealing his drool worthy abs, how is this kid eighteen lord jesus. Along his chest he had quite a lot of tattoos dotted around, my fingers darted out to trace a swallow along with V-line, he shivered at the contact and I pulled my hand away giggling slightly as he smirked down at me. "Your turn" he breaths pressing into me slightly as I was pressed against the car, smirking I pushed forward making him take a small step back as I removed my leather jacket revealing my half sleeve of tattoos, a lot more then what was in the lockscreen picture. His eyes widened at the sight, leaning back against the car I watched him closely as he studied the ink on my skin, "woah" he breathed pressing me into slightly as his finger traced up my arm to my shoulder, his finger went under the fabric of my crop top before moving up my neck, a shiver went through my body as his other hand pressed against the car next to my waist. "What's the one on your neck?" He asked catching the black ink behind me ear going round the back of my neck, I smiled before turning my head so he could see, it was a mummy elephant walking with a baby elephant behind holding onto the mummy's tail with it's trunk, under in calligraphy was Darcy's name. Shocking me he lent down to press his lips to it before running them to my ear, my breath caught in my throat as I raised my arms holding onto his muscular arms. "Stunning" he breathed into my ear making me shiver once more, my breath picked up as his tongue darted out against the skin below my ear before he gripped my lobe between his teeth tugging slightly. "Please don't do that on my car" Wolf's voice scared the shit out of me as I jumped, Harry however stayed where he was chuckling slightly, pushing his chest I shot him a glare before smiling innocently to Wolf, he just shook his head laughing "come on baby girl" I nodded before looking back at Harry who was smirking at me. "See you on Monday" I gave a small nod before walking round the other side of the car and jumping in. "Really?" Wolf laughs as soon as I get into the car and strap myself in, I gave a small shrug "it was him" I accuse trying to hold back a laugh, "gosh you're so much older then him" Wolf scrunches up his nose. "Actually I'm nearly twenty and he's nearly nineteen so that's like a year years" I say before realising it did sound a bit wrong, "what about you? Gemma is nineteen and you're twenty two" I accuse. He just smirks at me "but I'm befriending her not getting cosy on besties car" he says before driving off. "Oh shut up" I grumble slouching in my chair as he laughs loudly.

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