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Tallulah Grace

We'd been at the beach house just over a week now and had five days left, something fishy was happening though. And fishy is not a good smell. "What makes you think that?" Wolf asks while I bite my nails sitting cross legged on my bed, my laptop open on facetime to Wolf and Luke as I told them of my bad gut feeling, "I don't know but like last night when I was closing my window there was someone standing outside but when I looked back they were gone" I sighed shaking my head, Darcy was down stairs playing with the boys as I had to make sure they wouldn't over hear. "Look Agent Tallulah I really think you're overthinking it, it may have just been a shadow, you want something to happen as there hasn't been any action yet, I really wouldn't worry" Luke sighed smiling sadly at me, I nodded sighing loudly while dragging my hands down my tired face. "Yeah" I shook my head before nodding "yeah you're right it's just my mind playing tricks, thanks anyway guys" I smiled before saying goodbye and logging off. I was certain it wasn't just in my head. Walking down the stairs I was greeted with the happy laughter of my daughter and Harry, everyone was in the front room snuggled with all their duvets covering them while watching finding nemo, how adorable. Taking out my phone, I silently got some pictures before jumping between Harry and Liam, basically landing on Liam, scarring the shit out of everyone. "Oh Jeez Lou you scared the shit out of me" Liam said holding his chest while I laughed, he managed to move over slightly so I could crawl between him and Harry only for Harry to basically pull me onto his chest, where I snuggled into him smiling widely. Darcy was between Niall and Louis who were hogging all three bowls of popcorn.

The movie continued to play until everyone had fallen asleep and it was only me awake, lost in my thoughts I didn't even hear the kitchen window being opened and a stranger crawling in. What I did hear though, was two hushed voice talking in the kitchen, I instantly sat up and, careful not to wake anyone up, slipped from Harrys grip and pressed myself against the wall behind the door. "Where's the girl?" I hear one hushed voice whisper, badly, I instantly knew he was male and they must be wearing outfits as his voice was muffled by cloth over his mouth. The other voice was all defiantly male but he sounded a lot older then the other one, "I'll take upstairs while you look down here" then I heard their footsteps and looked towards the large pile of bodies curled under the duvets, they can't walk any further or they'll see them. Taking a deep breath I silently jumped around the corner to catch them leaving the kitchen, both their eyes widen as they see me standing in front of them ready to fight. The older one was nearly double the size of the younger one and anybody could tell he was pumped with steroids, the other one was tall but like normal guy tall not the giant beside him tall, he was also buff but looked tiny beside the big bad wolf. Retrieving their knives I almost growled at the unfairety of this fight, two armed guys against a defenceless girl, oh well I'm gonna kick their arses anyway. The big guy dodged forward diving his knife but I dodged out of the way making him fall into the wall, I winced at the sound as the other guy raised his fist successfully knocking my jaw before I grabbed his neck and slammed his head onto my knee causing his to fall on the floor groaning in pain. Before I could turn around a knife was pressed against my throat my body pressed against this steroid injecting monkey, I struggled against his grip while the other boy stood up shaking his head, he slammed his boot into my stomach making all the air leave my body successfully winding me. Slamming my bead back I hit the gorilla straight in the nose while using his arm to hold my body I lift both feet and pushed them straight into the small guy causing all of us to fall to the floor. I quickly stood and silently sprinted into the kitchen grabbing a huge bread knife while the other two ran in behind me, the smaller dude had his gun pointed at me while giant was swinging his knife in circles. I took a deep breath circling my shoulders knowing this had to be quiet or the others would wake and my cover would be blown, before I could even realise what had happened that big fucking monkey had slashed my arm making blood gush to the floor, great if they don't blow my cover this defiantly will. Knowing I just had to get this over with, I ditched the knife and smashed my fist up into donkey cons chin making him fall back, blood falling from his mouth, I grabbed his neck into a head lock as the other dude ran at me with his gun, dodging his body I swung my other arm out grabbing his neck and slapping both guys heads together, throwing the young one to the floor I pulled myself over the huge guys back and slammed him into the floor on top of the smaller guy, successfully knocking both of them out.

Crouching down I tried to steady my breathing before the light was flicked on and I felt like my heart stopped. "What the fuck?" Niall screamed looking petrified at the door, not a second after all the guys came in to my view running behind him, I felt like I wanted to cry as Harry turned away hiding Darcy from the view of the two guys and the awful amount of blood. Staying crouched on the floor, I hung my head my breathing still not back to normal, "Lou?" I hear Liam ask hesitantly as he slowly walks over, careful not to step in blood, "what happened?" he asks quietly as he takes a seat next to me. "You were all asleep and those two broke in through the window trying to steal stuff I guess" I muttered shrugging, "and you took them both out?" he asks sounding impressed, I defiantly didn't feel it. "I guess" I shrugged back stretching my neck out before standing up wincing as pain shot up my arm and side from where I was slashed and kicked, "you're hurt" Louis says from the other side of the room, I look up to see him studying my face closely, "I'm fine" I growl going over to the sink and grabbing a wet cloth before bending down and starting to mop up some of the blood. "What are you doing?" Liam asks standing up with his arms crossed looking at me weirdly, "cleaning" I mutter sounding very depressed, he sighs loudly taking my arms and gently pulling me to my feet. "The police will be here in a few minutes go freshen up" he sighs smiling sadly, I gulp nodding before throwing the red stained cloth into the sink and slowly walking through the kitchen. Harry was in the front room reading a story to Darcy, I sighed walking up to my room. After scrubbing myself clean in a very quick shower, I changed into black jeans and a white crop top just in time for someone to knock at my door. "Come in" I say rubbing my hair with a towel, the door opened for two police officers to step in, I have to hold back a groan, I hate cops. "We just want to know what happened" the man said taking a seat at my desk while the lady stood behind his chair, how chivalrous, I sighed digging into my bag and grabbing my badge, holding it up for them to see you could literally see their eyes widen and their posture straighten. "Agent Tallulah, I was attacked last night I just need the blood cleared and the bodies removed. The boys downstairs have been told there was a robbery and I took them down, not questions answered, I wasn't planning on them waking up however those two idiots were too noisy" I stated in my business voice. Both cops nodded firmly before standing up and shaking my hand, "we have officers cleaning and arresting the two guys downstairs as we speak" the lady says, I smile in gratitude, "if you could find out who they work for give me a call" I say handing her a business card before walking down the stairs with them right behind me.

"Thank you so much" I smile as they walk out the door leaving the house clean and bad guy free, "are you okay?" I hear Harry ask softly from behind me, I was just starring at the door before he came behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist resting his chin on my head. "Yeah" I sighed, "you want to talk about it?" he further asked and I could feel him look down at me, "no thanks" I whispered leaning into him, "okay" he smiled kissing the top of my head. "How the fuck did you just take down two guys like that?" Louis laughs loudly as we all sat in the front room on the sofas watching the little mermaid, Darcy was sitting on my lap playing with my hair that dangled forward, "I told you I've learnt martial arts my whole life" I chuckled seeing their overdramatic reactions. Louis starred at me wide eyed, "okay but there was two of them and they were huge" he said using his arms to emphasize his point, I shook my head laughing "they were both very week and very unskilled they just threw their knives around so it was easy to get to their pressure points" I shrug like it was nothing. Louis rolled his eyes smirking, "sure it was so easy that's why your face and stomach is so bruised ad your arm is now bandaged" he laughed teasingly, I grabbed my pillow throwing it at him and hitting him straight in the head, "okay okay ninja women" he laughed raising his hands in surrender as we all laughed.

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