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Tallulah Grace

"Absolutely not" I stand my ground crossing my arms as Wolf grabs his stuff from his locker next to me, "it's part of the job lou, we have to" he smiles humoured by my discomfort. "But I hate parents" I shiver for effect giving him a wide eyed look, shutting his locker her sighs facing me "well sorry Lou but they're getting the kids out for a while at that time so we come over and familiarise ourselves with them, we are going end of" he shuts my argument down turning around and walking away. I huff loudly walking in the other direction to the sports hall, entering I am hit with the foul smell of sweat and dudes. Looking around, I noticed the many guys  standing around or kicking balls to each other, my eyebrows scrunched in confusion as I walked over to the coach. "Ah you must be Tallulah" he smiled clapping his hand, I nodded giving him a small smile, "right so there are three things you can do, fitness in here where we do some circuits that will really test your limits, I advised the girls not to take part" he jokes making me pull away slightly in shock, wow sexist much, "or cheerleading or track, the guys who aren't in here went to run track since that's a lot more manly then cheerleading and most of the girls are with the cheer team, should I put you down for cheerleading then?" I was beyond shocked at the obvious sexism spewing from his mouth. "No" I say defiantly, he looked taken back, "I think I'll do fitness in here thanks" I smirk daring him to comment, I bet I could do with this ease knowing my training was ten times harder but they don't know that. "Are you sure? Not to be rude miss but I doubt you'll be able to handle this type of training and I can't have anyone slacking behind" he said trying to seem sincere but I just wanted to smack his face so hard, "I can't believe you just said that" I laughed in disbelief, he looked shock at my reply, "I think the question should be, can you keep up?" I almost growled before turning away and walking over to the guys. "Woah you okay?" I hear Liam ask as I storm over to them, "I can't believe the sexism that just came from your coaches mouth" I growled my jaw clenching, Harry laughed standing next to me, "yeah I know right, I think we all kind of got used to it actually, I'm quite surprised he allowed you to do fitness though" He chuckles making me sigh loudly. "It is very hard core though, you sure you can do it?" he actually sounded concerned which made my anger boiled, "what the fuck" I shouted turning to him, he raised his hands in surrender clearly not expecting that reaction from me. 

"Fifty, forty nine, forty eight..." Coach shouted as we did press ups, I could hear the boys heavy breathing around me and felt the smallest bit of pride as I was breathing normally and hardly fazed by the physically exertion. "Five, four, three, two, one, up" Coach finished as we jumped to our feet, even after one hundred press ups I was hardly bothered, my training had prepared me to endure much more physically challenging situations. "To the line, back, to the next line, back and so on, fastest sprint for three minutes, if anyone slows or slacks then we start again" he grins evilly as we line up against the wall, I was still pulsing with anger so I knew I had more than enough energy for this, suddenly his whistle blew and we were off. I ran, but I didn't sprint, it was a fast run but it wasn't my fastest, I knew how to run long and short distances, I had to preserve my energy, especially when these sexists believe I can't do this. Soon enough most of the guys had fallen behind breathing heavily as coach had restarted the time three times now, I was ahead and felt completely fine. "Okay stop" Coach yells making every stop and face him, some boys leaned forwards to catch their breaths will others just panted, I stood their breathing slightly heavier and starring Coach straight in the eye. "Squats, two hundred" he growls still starring at me, the guys started groaning at the mention, Coach looked around before clapping his hands and blowing his whistle. Once again I finished mine before everyone else, my thighs burned slightly but I was fine, I could tell some of the guys were struggling though and instantly felt bad. Luckily for them, the bell rang signalling the start of lunch, smirking I turned to coach with my eyebrows raised "still think I can't keep up?" I chuckled cockily, you could tell he was angry as he just stormed off to his office. 

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