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Tallulah Grace

"I'm hyperventilating" I shouted sitting on my bed crossed legged with my head in my hands. It was saturday morning, Darcy was being driven down by Miah as I spoke, my dress was laying on my chair with my boot heals under for this afternoon and I was panicking cause I didn't want to tell the guys how I was apparently nineteen with a one year old daughter. Oh and I still hadn't packed my goddamn bag, "ugh Tallulah Grace snap out of it" Wolf groaned falling back on the bed with a thump. "I don't know what to do ugh why do I leave everything to the last minute?" I cried coping Wolf and falling back on my bed so we were lying next to each other. "I have an idea" he said a cheeky smirk slowly forming on hos lips, I raised my eyebrows hesitant towards his idea, he chuckled lowly "because I am going out with Gemma before the meal tonight why don't you ask Harry to come over and watch Darcy while you pack them he can babysit for tonight?" I thought over it for a few moments, I mean it's not like their are our guns lying about and all the gadgets are kept in Wolf's room, it would also help me a lot and then Darcy will feel a bit more comfortable on the holiday. "That's an actually decent idea" I smirk fist bumping him before jumping up and grabbing my phone, clicking on Harry's contact I paced across the kitchen waiting for him to pick up. "Hello" a deep husky voice came through, looking at the clock I quickly realised it was eight in the morning, giggling I apologised, "ops sorry I didn't realise the time but I need your help" I could hear him rustle about before replying, "yeah what is it? Is there something wrong?" he spoke quickly as though he was worried making me giggle, again. "No no nothing's wrong but Darcy is on her way here and I still need to pack and I'm going out at four with Wolf so I was just wondering if you could help me with Darcy?" I asked quietly praying he didn't turn me down. "Of course give me half an hour to get ready and I'll be round" I could hear the smile on his face and was instantly filled with appreciation for him, "thank you so much I'll see you then bye" I thanked hearing a chuckle before hanging up. 

A knock on my door sent me sprinting to open it, Harry stood outside smiling widely, clad in a v-neck white tee with ripped black jeans he looked casual but oh so hot. "Hi" I breathed smiling at him, "hey" he smiled back walking inside. "I like your flat" he looked around as I suddenly felt an anxious feeling pinch at my stomach, he's in my flat. "Yeah well I live with Wolf and he likes to keep things clean" I say just as Wolf tumbles out of his room messing up his hair, "right I'm leaving Lou" he shouts even though I was right in front of him, "um okay" I replied chuckling quietly. Walking over he quickly kisses my head before turning to Harry, "look after her, don't let her cook, make sure Darcy doesn't touch anything sharp, hot or very small. Keep your eye on Darcy at all times and please don't burn the house down" he listed to Harry who stood their smirking at the list, "right yeah he's a big boy I'm sure he can handle it have fun with Gemma" I teased pushing him out the door before turning back to Harry. "Question" Harry smirked clasping his hands together as I walked into the kitchen flicking the kettle on, "why am I not allowed to let you cook?" he chuckled humour evidence in his voice and face. I groaned jumping onto the counter laughing, "I don't even know he just doesn't trust me because I once like one time set pasta on fire" I laughed, he started laughing loudly before slowly walking forward making my laugh stop and breath hitch. He was so close I could feel his breath just above my lips, his body was stood between both my legs and his hands were lent against the counter either side on my hips. "Hmm I'll have to teach you how to cook sometimes then" he whispered smirking, I just nodded my eyes locked on his lips as he drags his tongue tortuously slow across them. "But you know what I think" he cocked an eyebrow scanning my face while taking in every little detail, "I think you'd just be a distraction if you were in the kitchen" he was suddenly closer as I met his eyes with my wide ones, "in my top" he lent in, "with just your underwear underneath" suddenly his lips were on mine as we moved in a slow rythem against one another. His hand wrapped around my waist as his other ran up my side to cup my jaw pulling me closer towards him, my arms found their way around his neck as the pace of our kiss picked up, the pressure of his soft lips moulded against my own was like heaven on earth as butterflies exploded in my stomach. His tongue darted out pressing against my mouth, I parted my lips feeling his tongue rub against mine making me release a low moan and clutch to him tightly as our lips, tongues and body moved in sync to each other. Just as I was about to bit his lip the door bell rung causing us to pull apart breathing heavily, leaning our foreheads to each other our breaths came out choppy and harsh. Slowly, I opened my eyes to meet with his intense green ones, "woah" he breathed a wide smile falling on his lips making my giggle and nuzzle my head into his neck trying to catch my breath back. A harsh knock against the door filled the room as the doorbell was rung again, "you ready?" I smile up to Harry seeing his anxious eyes wide and staring straight at me, he gulped nodding before gripping my hips in his hands and helping me jump down. "Alright alright I'm coming" I shouted as the doorbell rang once again, opening the door I was instantly pushed to the ground as my sister layed onto on of my stomach while my daughter clung to my neck. Laughing loudly I wrapped one arm around Darcy and the other went to Miah's head, "guys" I groaned laughing loudly, slowly they both jumped off of me giggling. Miah stopped dead wide eyed once she spotted Harry standing behind smiling down at the scene fondly while Darcy helped me up before opening her arms telling me she wanted to pick her up. Smiling widely, I scooped my baby girl into my arms and tightly hugged her, "ugh sister?" Miah asked awkwardly, looking over at her she was starring straight at Harry her gaze not wavering, "yeah?" I raised an eyebrow at her before realising I hadn't yet introduced them. "Oh sorry" I apologised to Harry going to stand next to him, "Miah this is my friend Harry, Harry this is my sister Miah" I introduced them before introducing Darcy, "Darcy this is Harry, he's very nice and one of mummy's best friend" I rubbed my nose against hers making me pull back giggling while covering her face with he small hands. "Harry this is my daughter Darcy" I turned to him seeing he was already starring at us interact with a wide smile, "hey Darcy I'm Harry" Harry walked over holding his hand out, Darcy giggled taking his huge hand in her tiny one and shaking it.  

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