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Tallulah Grace

Reaching the restaurant, my eyes were wide and my mouth hung open, this wasn't fancy this was queen worthy. The white building was huge, there was so many windows and floors, and balconies for goodness sake. Wolf got out and handed his keys to this guy who parked your car while another man working there opened my door and offered his hand, I gently took it and stepped out, he shut the door and walked me to Wolf who wrapped his arm around my waist leading my through the huge marble doors held open by two doormen. "Madam, Sir, may I take your booking name?" A lovely lady asked holding a black clip board and a wide smile, "yes ugh Styles" Wolf replied while I looked around, there was three huge chandeliers hanging from the roof and all the tabled were secluded with black pads around them, candles and a rose placed on them. The place was filled with loving couples and clad in suits business men, their was a man sat behind a grand black piano on the stage playing softly. "Of course right this way" the lady smiled leading us through the table towards a corner right in front of a huge window, sitting at the circular table was Miss Anne Styles and Mr Desmond Styles, when they saw us approaching they stood to greet us, Desmond was wearing a blue suit looking as stylish as ever while Anne was wearing a long black dress with short sleeves and a sweetheart neckline, her hair was up in a tight bun and her makeup was flawless. "Ma'am" I smiled kissing Anne's checks as she embraced me, "oh please call me Anne agent Grace" she chuckles holding onto my forearm, "then please, It's Lou" I smiled back. "Wow Lou you look beautiful" Desmond compliment coming over to kiss my checks, "thank you, you look as handsome as ever" I replied making him chuckle before we all slid into our seats.

After ordering the first thing i saw on the menu as I had n clue what any of it meant we got down to talking, "Gemma and I have become good friends, she's a lovely young girl and everything's gone very well so far. Nothing has alerted me in any way with her, her friends are very sweet and kindhearted, everything's going very well" he smiled sipping his red wine. "Oh that's great news, I do worry about her studying too much sometimes" Anne said placing a hand on her heart, "oh I can assure you she has a very healthy amount of studying and socilaizing" Wolf replied making Anne smiled. "What about my boy Harry?" Desmond asked turning to me, I swallowed my wine before replying, "he's honestly my best friend and his friends are all so amazing. His grades are looking very good, and yeah nothing has sprung alarm bells so far but that's to be expected, if he were to make any move we expect it to be in three to five months. Harry has a very good social life but he also spends time studying, he is currently at our flat looking after my daughter" I smiled, they both looked shocked at my last sentence, "you have a daughter?" Anne asked her eyes lighting up, I nodded "yeah her name's Darcy she's one" I told them smiling as I thought of my perfect little girl. "Oh that's so beautiful, you know Harry has always said if he had a girl he's call her Darcy, how magical" Anne informed me making my eyes blink in surprise, he hadn't told me that. "Oh wow, he's absolutely amazing with her and she seems to love him" I chuckle taking another sip of my wine before our food is placed in front of us, I'm shocked at the amount of food on my plate, there was a splodge, a splodge of rice with the tiniest bit of source and meet. What the fuck is this. Wolf shot me a look and I held back a laugh before we started eating, five minutes later we had finished and were ordering another round of wine, Wolf not having it as he was driving of course. "Lou I believe you are off to the beach hut with the boys for the holiday correct?" Desmond addressed me, "yes that is correct Darcy is coming with us" I said nodding. "Oh that reminds me" Anne suddenly said placing down her wine glass, I put my attention on to her, "when I was dating" she stopped swallowing as if she couldn't bring herself to say his name, "him" she said with such distaste I had to stop myself from giggling, "we used to go to that beach hut every chance we got, we absolutely loved it there and if I'm honest, if he ever returned that would be the first place he would go" she informed me making me look towards Wolf who was already looking at me. We stared each other for a second communicating with our eyes before I turned back to them, "okay I think I'm going to check it out a bit thoroughly while I'm there then, see if there are any signs he's been back recently" I informed them before looking back to Wolf, "it would be best to carry your handgun with you in case he does turn up, it's highly unlikely but I wouldn't take that risk" he said nodding towards me. "Yeah and we can communicate through ear piece" I added nodding back to him, "oh okay" Anne said looking worried, "oh I wouldn't worry there is an extremely slim chance of him actually turning up, remember we expect him in three to five months if he does want to interact, but it's just a precaution and if he does the boys are in safe hands" I reassured her, she smiled back at me before taking my hand in hers, "I am so thankful for you being here" she sniffed smiling widely at me. 

We got back home a lot later then expected and I walked in to see Harry lying on the sofa on his phone with Darcy asleep across his chest, he looked up as we walked in and smiled at me. "I am so sorry" I whispered guiltily, "it's no problem honestly she's an angel" he whispered back, I walked over picking her up into my arms causing her to stur slightly "shh baby girl it's just mummy" I whispered against her head before walking into her room and placing her into her cot, boss had made sure to have the flat with a baby room for Darcy which was very kind of him. Walking back in I see Harry sitting on the couch rubbing his eyes clearly exhausted, "come on" I whispered taking his hand and leaning him into my room, after throwing him an old to shirt and joggers from Wolf I went into the bathroom and changed into my shorts and large tee. Walking back into my room, Harry was already snuggled into my bed making me giggle and join him, instantly he wrapped his arms around me pulling me into his chest making me snuggle back. "The boys are already there so we are just going to join them tomorrow" Harry informed me making me smile, "okay" I whispered before drifting into a deep sleep. "Mummy" I hear Darcy cry from the other room making me groan, "that's one thing I didn't miss" I groaned hearing Harry chuckle with his husky morning voice. "Mummy" she cries again, I sighed pulling from Harry's embrace making him groan in complaint, I walked into her room to see her standing in her bed crying, "morning baby" I whispered taking her into my arms and kissing her lips. She sniffed smiling up at me as I walked into the kitchen and sat her in her high chair, "what would you like for breakfast my gorgeous daughter?" I ask flipping on the kettle and rubbing my eyes, "umm toast" she shouts happily, "toast?" I ask looking at her like she was made, she giggles nodding. "Ugh okay then" I rolled my eyes smiling before putting two pieces if bread in the toaster and making myself a tea. After spreading chocolate spread on both pieces and cutting them up I gave one to Darcy and ate the other myself sitting on the counter in front of her. "Guess where we are going today?" I ask raising an eyebrow, "where mummy?" she asks in her freaking cute voice, "we are going to the beach" I said as a huge smile broke onto her face and she squealed, "really?" she asked in excitement, I nodded and she started clapping. "Well someone's excited" I hear Harry as he walks in just in the joggers showing of his damn fine body and entrancing tattoos. "We're going to the beach" Darcy squealed happily, he laughed ruffling her hair before coming to lean against the counter beside me, "I was thinking, we should get up and ready then leave whenever ready, that way we can actually spend the day there" Harry said looking to me, I nodded taking another bite of my toast. Harry laughs taking his thumb and dragging it across the corner of my mouth before sucking it off his thumb making my hear skip a beat of two, damn. 

"Text me when you get there" Wolf said kissing my forehead, "I will" I rolled my eyes as Harry finished taking the bags to his car. I suddenly remembered I needed my gun and ear piece, "hey I just need to go loo, can you take Darcy to the car and I'll meet you down there?" I ask Harry after he'd said goodbye to Wolf, "sure" he smiled taking Darcy from my arms. Walking into Wolf's room I took my gun from the gadget bag and slipped it through my jean band and pulled my top over it, then grabbing my ear piece I slotted it in my ear as I had no where else to put it. "Remember to stay in touch okay?" Wolf said as I walked towards the door, "I will you too okay?" I replied kissing his cheek, "will do love ya" he waved me off, "love ya too" I shouted back jogging to Harry's car and slotting in to the passenger seat. "Alright let's get this show on the road" He shouted driving off. 

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