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Tequila Grace

"Mummy" Darcy asks from the back as we get onto the motorway, "yes baby?" I reply turning around, "can we make cookies?" she asks her eyes sparkling, I laugh loudly "of course we can" she lets out a cheer as I turn back around. Harry turns on the radio and instantly Darcy starts singing along to Olly Murs, I join in laughing while Harry steals glances at us smiling. We spent the first two hours singing along to songs on the radio and laughing really hard, that's until Darcy started getting grumpy because she was hungry. "Should we pull over at a cafe?" I asked since we were now driving through the city, "I think that would be best" Harry replied looking around the roads while biting his lip. Soon enough, we found a small cafe and parked outside, it looked pretty empty and Darcy ran inside so it seemed like she approved, Harry held open the door for me and we entered and sat by the window in a small booth, Harry grabbed a high chair and sat Darcy in it. After looking through the menu briefly, I decided to get some chips for me and a chicken nugget kiddie meal for Darcy, "hey guys" a pretty young girl walked over smiling widely, "what can I get you guys to drink?" she asked looking between us all. "I'll have a coffee please" Harry said turning to me, "could I get a coke and a rhibena for her please" I ordered winking at my daughter. "Sure can" the waitress wrote down our orders, "are you guys ready to order or would you like a minute?" she asked looking back up to us, "ugh order now please" I said quickly checking with Harry, who nodded happily at me. "Could I get a hamburger please" Harry asked giving our waitress his menu, "and could I get a medium chips and chicken nugget kids meal thanks" I said before she takes the menu from me. "Of course it won't be too long, you guys have a really beautiful family" she smiled walking away quickly, I was shocked and chuckled awkwardly looking to Harry who was already looking at me, a soft smile placed on his lips. I giggled loudly taking out are phone to get some selfies, Harry took them while we all posed in silly positions until the food and drinks were brought over. Helping Darcy get out our food, Harry dug in before I turned back to my portion of chips, which was quite small as chips were supposed to be a side instead of a main. "Is that all you're eating?" Harry asks looking concerned at me, "yup" I nodded biting another chip, "here" he said picking up a load of his salad and placing it on my plate. I chuckled shaking my head no, "Harry I'm really not hungry" I smiled, my heart warming at his kind actions, he just shot me a warning look and continued eating. 

"Are we there yet?" Darcy and I laughed in sync seeing Harry get angrier and angrier the more we did it, "guys I will turn this car around" he growled making my bend over laughing so hard it hurt, "you sound like a dad" I shouted going into another round of giggles. Harry just smirked winking at me, "mummy" Darcy giggled from the back, I looked back at her smiling "yes baby?" she covers her face giggling making my heart swell before looking back up to me and Harry, "are you going to marry Harry?" the questions stops me in shock as Darcy broke out into another round of giggles, Harry's chuckle pulled me from my shock as I joined him laughing lightly while feeling my blush spread through my face. "No Darcy baby we aren't" I laugh tickling her feet, her smile drops at my answer making me crease my eyebrows in concern, "but he makes you smile" she tries to reason making the air get stuck in my throat. "Darcy" Harry smiled looking at her in his rear view mirror, "your mummy is wayyy to pretty to marry a man like me" he says in a silly voice winking at me as I shake my head, that was the farthest from the truth. "Mummy is very pretty" Darcy sighed sadly making us all laugh.

"Baby wake up" someone chuckled picking me up, I ignore the voice and snuggled deeper into the person'e chest. "Aw look at em" an irish accent greets me as I recognise Niall's voice, being too tired I allow myself to be sucked back into the darkness. "Mummy mummy mummy" Darcy giggled jumping on my stomach, "ughh baby don't do that" I muttered fluttering my eyes open to see I was layed in a huge white bed, in a light pink room that had a huge window opposite. "But mummy I wanna play in the pool" she wines playfully, "okay okay lemme get up" I say sitting up and stretching out my arms before picking her up and walking out the bedroom door. This house was huge and it took me at least five minutes to even find the stairs before I could find the kitchen, in the kitchen their way loads of food left out and a highchair was by the table, my heart swelled at the thought of the guys thinking of us. Sitting Darcy in the chair, I gave her a small bacon sandwich which I cut into four, some crisps and a few grapes. My ears perk up as I hear guys laughing come from outside the patio doors, walking through I slide open on of the glass doors to see Harry and Louis sunbathing while Liam and Niall play volleyball in the pool, it was a sight to see. "Ah sleeping beauty has awoken" Liam laughs noticing me standing there, all the guys turn to look smiling at me widely, "hey" I wave giggling, "ello love" Louis smiles getting up to give me a hug and friendly kiss on the cheek, Liam and Niall also get out the pool to greet me but I stop them from hugging me and only give them cheek kisses. "So where is our darling princess?" Louis asks grinning cheekily, "you better not corrupt my daughter mister" I say smirking before I could think about what I said. "Daughter?" Liam questions as they all stare at me, "ugh so I forgot to tell you guys but um" I began before getting rudely interrupted, "mummy"Darcy screamed making me roll my eyes, "give me a sec" I say turning around and jogging to where Darcy was sat. She put her arm up in the air telling me she wanted to be picked up, I smiled lifting her onto my hip before walking back out to the garden, "guys this is my daughter Darcy" I introduce hearing the anxiety in my voice, Darcy gets all shy as they all smile at her and hides behind my arm, "awe she's shy" I giggle bumping her up and down. Harry chuckles coming to stand slightly behind me as I feel his hand gently snake round to my waist giving it a small squeeze making me smile to my feet. "Darcy baby" I mutter taking her chin softly in my hand and lifting it, "these and Harry and I's friends, that's Liam" Liam sticks his tongue out making Darcy giggle and lean back into me, "Niall" who smiles widely giving a small wave, "and Louis" who pokes her nose saying a loud "eoooo". Sitting next to Harry on his sunbed, I carefully watch Liam, Louis and Niall run around playing tag with Darcy, just in case they get a bit too rough. "Relax" Harry scares me by saying against the back of my ear, I turn towards him slightly smiling, "I'm sorry I just want them to be careful she's delicate" I sigh looking back towards them. "You wouldn't of guessed it" Harry starts leaning his chin on my shoulder, "but they're all actually really good with kids" he smiles making me smile softly seeing Darcy laugh as Niall pretends to fall over. The rest of the day was spent laughing and swimming in the sun, and in all honesty, it was beyond perfect. 

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