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Tallulah Grace

Swallowing my nerves, the door swung open to reveal a gorgeous woman with long dark brown hair and a tall plump man with glasses and a soft smile. "Ah you must be Agent Grace and gent Wolf please come in" the man said opening the door wider for us to walk through, Wolf had his arm around my waist as I held the documents, leading me through Wolf took us straight to the front room and onto the sofa. "We just want to say how incredibly grateful we are for the both of you, you know coming all the way up here, dropping everything to protect our children, it truly means the world to us" she said sounding like she was about to cry, Wolf have me a small squeeze "really the pleasure is ours mam just doing our jobs" Wolf smiled pleasantly.

My heart warmed at the welcoming nature of the parents, that didn't mean  liked being here though, "so really this little meeting is to just introduce us and give you the low down on the basics of how we go about protecting you children" Wolf get's right into it. The parents sat on the sofa in front of us listening very closely, "right this moment we aren't looking at this as high danger, this basically means that as of right now we don't carry weapons as we have no reason to believe we need them and especially as we are based in a high school, we only want to carry them if it's certain they are in immediate danger. Even then, you have no worries about your children getting hurt, we are more then skilfully trained in tacking down people and using self defence as well as keeping others safe," Wolf's charming and even as he's talking of weapons he has a way of keeping everyone calm like a trance, a very good skill I seem to lack. "Are aim for the next few months is to simply befriend Harry and Gemma, keep close with them and until further notice just look out for them. However, that's only for the first few months while we get tracking mr James Clarton down, after we have a stronger grip on the situation we will start setting up harder protection like having an extra watch, cameras, mikes, of course we do absolutely nothing without consulting you first. We want this job to be as calming and stress free for you two as possible, we are the experts and we know what we're doing, you don't have to worry" he smiles concluding, the parents already look so much calmer then they did before. "What if we see something or get worried about something, will we be able to ask you to put certain things up?" The husband asks looking between us with his eyebrows scrunched, Wolf looked to me as though he didn't understand the question, "so if you wanted a camera put in or someone to night watch you say?" I ask speaking for the first time, "yes like if we feel like somethings wrong" he clarifies. "Of course you can, once again we are here to protect you that's our job, if you don't feel safe then we aren't doing it right," I smiled reassuringly, he smiled back nodding, "I also remember reading the file it said you would like monthly meetings, I have spoke to my base manager about the best way to go around this so that Harry and Gemma don't suspect anything, so basically if we have like a dinner date once a month at a restaurant where we can go over what's occurred, what will happen from then on and so on. This way we are on very neutral ground where everyone can feel a lot more comfortable about what's going on" I say remembering the conversation I had with Luke, the couple look to each other smiling and give a small nod.

"Thank you so much that sounds wonderful" Anne smiles teary eyes before standing up coming over and hugging me tightly, I hugged back slightly awkwardly just as the door opens. We all freeze as I hear Harry's voice ring out, "ma dad" they all look at me wide eyed as I grabbed Wolf's hand pulling him against the wall behind the open door, they weren't supposed to be back yet, "Ugh one sec honey" Anne said shakily looking beyond scared. Giving her a reassuring smile I motioned for her to call them in. "Um Kids could you come here for a sec" her voice shook as her eyes didn't leave mine, seeing Harry's back I held my breath and felt Wolf's arm on my waist as I see Gemma's back walk next to him. Holding my breath, I led Wolf out the door right behind them silently, we are so lucky we are trained in basically being silent. Opening the front door I ran out with Wolf right behind before we jumped in his car and we drove off, I laughed loudly relief flooding my body at not getting caught. 

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