Chapter 03: A Curious Case

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Seeing as it was just the two of them in the room which was situated at the end of the corridor, Yixing moved at an inhuman speed and grabbed Baekhyun by his collar, pressing him against the cool wall. The demon's eyes turned fully red immediately, making his glare a hundred times scarier, yet Baekhyun remained unaffected.

"I was right," Baekhyun said calmly, feeling no need to put up a fight. "Your eyes are still red. Means you're still a trainee. You can't hurt me. Back in my days, I've been treated roughly by a handful of yellow-eyed demons and even white-eyed demons...but, I gotta say, they were rough with me for a completely different reason," he chuckled in amusement.

"How did you know?" Yixing demanded, still glowering at Baekhyun. "My prep work was done correctly. I've been maintaining my vessel properly as well. What gave me away?"

Baekhyun glanced down at his collar. "Put me down and I'll tell you."

Yixing let go of him. "Now talk."

Baekhyun stretched his arms cutely. "Your vessel is fine. But have you forgotten that some other supernatural creatures can see more than just your vessel? We also see your soul. For example, yours used to be a human soul, but then you must've gone to Hell and trained to be a demon. Now have a look at mine. Tell me what you see." He pressed his hands to his chest to make his true form visible for a brief moment.

Yixing did as he was told. "You're...a monster?"

Baekhyun nodded. "I know, I know. Many others think that we monsters are useless. We're undifferentiated, we've trained to some extent in Purgatory but we're not professional demons like you lot from Hell, nor are we specialized like vamps and wolves and shapeshifters et cetera. But our advantage is that we are still similar enough to humans that we don't give ourselves away easily. Which means hunters won't spot us that easily, and we survive better. Mainly, we're responsible for mingling with all species, collecting and exchanging information, so that we have the biggest database, and we can agree that knowledge is power, no? We can get our hands on important news way quicker than any department in Hell can. We monsters are awesome," he explained happily. "So, you must be on a mission, right? We don't really get direct missions like you demons do, but a lot of us are sleeper agents, like me."

"Yeah. And once I complete this mission, I can graduate," Yixing replied. Having calmed down, his eye color had returned to normal.

"Oh well. Good luck with your mission. But in the meantime, you're stuck with me and my brochures today. Let's get cracking," Baekhyun smiled, taking a seat.


Naeun had just been staring at the same page, not knowing how much time had passed. She had only snapped to attention when Yixing returned. When he walked into the room he was inspecting his finger. "Oops, got a paper cut," he pouted and showed it to her.

Instantly, her body reacted in the strangest ways. Her whole body heated up, her stomach growled loudly, and she began to salivate. She leaped up from her seat and lunged at him, pushing him against the wall violently. She grabbed his hand and stared intensely at his wound as blood oozed out from the cut on his finger. Before she knew it, she was licking his wound erotically, sucking greedily from his finger. As she drank up his blood, she also squeezed his finger and his whole hand to force more blood out from the cut so she could taste more of it. It tasted so good, metallic and thick, so she kept going and he did not stop her as he was probably too shocked to. She were surprised at what she was doing too, but she could not stop and she just kept sucking and licking aggressively.

She really had not meant to stop, but she still did, because suddenly she had collapsed and passed out on the floor.


Yixing had enough time to figure out what was going on. "A vampire?!" He said under his breath, frowning in disbelief but also shaking his head because he knew that drinking demon blood could kill a vampire just like drinking angel blood could. He was perplexed as to how come he was not able to identify Naeun as a vampire by looking at her soul. Still, he crouched and picked her up, placing his palm over her forehead. He closed his eyes, channeling his superpower to heal her.

A minute later, Naeun had regained consciousness, but was still weak and dizzy. Gently, Yixing placed her back down on the floor, and alerted Minseok about the emergency. She was sent to the hospital, and many of her colleagues approached Yixing to query after how it had all happened. He, of course, lied and kept emphasizing that she had skipped breakfast so that must have been why she had fainted.

"I see. But at lunch just now, I noticed that she didn't eat a lot either. I think she only tried Baekhyun's prawn tarts and that was pretty much it," Minseok replied worriedly.

"Well, I didn't poison her," Baekhyun sighed. If he wanted to intoxicate a girl, he sure had better ways to do that.


Baekhyun went to visit Naeun after work that day. Being a monster and having been in this world for more years than his apparent age would lead her to believe, he was an old friend of Doctor Do Kyungsoo who once again took her case once she was admitted to the hospital. The vampire doctor explained to Baekhyun the 'accident' that she got into yesterday and how she was cured.

"So, as we know," said Kyungsoo, "if a human drinks vampire blood and dies with it in their system within a 24-hour time frame, they would revive. And then it's up to them if they die irreversibly as a human or complete the transition to live on as a vampire. To achieve the latter, they gotta consume human blood within that time frame. By now, however, it's been more than 24 hours since I fed her my blood." He frowned at his watch. "She's neither properly dead nor a newly turned vampire. In fact, she's perfectly human. Every medical test I ran confirmed this. I don't know what's going on." Little did the vampire doctor know that it was Yixing's superpower of healing that had restored Naeun to a full human so she did not turn into a vamp — yet the angel blood remained in her veins, and remained a mystery too.

"We have her and another new intern at our office today," Baekhyun revealed. "A demon in training. You think he could have anything to do with what's up with her?" He asked, pointing at Naeun. She was still weak, therefore in deep sleep and really heard absolutely none of the conversation.

"It's possible. But I'm more inclined to believe that it's her angel blood," Kyungsoo replied.

"She's a human with angel blood? I've only ever heard of one previous case of some creature of that sort, and that's from a while ago, so I don't remember it too clearly. But apparently there was this guardian angel who fell in love with the human she was assigned to protect and watch over. Her judgment was clouded as a result of her love for him, so she ignored Heaven's orders, doted on him and spoiled him and had tragically allowed a gang of demons to lead him astray. He died and went to Hell, probably became a demon like them. She, on the other hand, was penalized by the senior angels for her failure and was condemned to become a mortal human with no memories of her love for him, but the angel blood still stayed in her system, probably just so Heaven could still keep track of her whereabouts. I'm not directly responsible for keeping tabs on her, so I might have to ask the monster in charge for more details. But I think our mystery girl's case right here could be similar. An angel in her past life but for some reason is living as a human now."

"I don't know about you, Baek, but I'm pretty damn curious about her and I want to know what's going on with her. You gonna help me with that?" Kyungsoo asked.

Baekhyun nodded confidently. "No problem. I'll check her out."

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