Chapter 08: Lucky

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Alarmed, Naeun froze. Yixing was still pretty much decent but she was a mess, yet somebody was about to walk right in.

"Is it this room?" Asked the intruder who remained standing at the door, sounding very baffled and not stepping inside.

"No, you idiot," replied somebody else from outside. "This is room RF-05; we're supposed to be in room 1485. Now hurry! We're already late."

The door closed again. Naeun and Yixing remained unseen. Out of relief, she let out the breath that she was not even aware she was holding. "That was close," she squeaked.

"That was exciting," he remarked in amusement. "Wasn't it worth the risk, though?"

"Well..." she giggled sheepishly. "We should still opt for somewhere private next time, preferably a room with a door that can be properly locked. And, yes, I'm already thinking about next time because I do want to return the favor." She beamed at him and placed her hand on the loop of his belt.

"That can be arranged," he smiled at her. Such an enchanting smile. She felt herself sink deeper into him, wanting to rest her head on his firm chest, but then his phone rang.

"Hello?" He answered. "Oh, yes, Mr Kim. We're on our way. Be there in a minute. Yes. Thanks! Bye."


Back at the office, Naeun and Yixing had lunch with all of their colleagues, and she had to pretend that nothing had happened even though every glance he sent her way could practically set her on fire. She tried to chat with her other co-workers in an attempt to retain her sanity, but her mind would not let her as it just kept replaying scenes from this morning with Yixing: how he kissed her fervently, how he dirty-talked her naughtily, how he drove his fingers in and out of her wickedly...she was getting more and more frustrated.

After the meal, Naeun had some work to get done, but it was a simple task: photocopying. She got up and found a printer, but it seemed to be out of order.

"Hey." A voice came out of nowhere, but it was too soothing to startle her. His voice was always a comfort to listen to.

"Baekhyun, hey," Naeun whirled and found that he was much closer to her than she thought. He was right in front of her. She could see his perfection up close and she was amazed.

"Need some help?" He asked calmly and sweetly. But also deceptively.

"Yeah, I'm trying to photocopy this, this, and this," she answered, scrambling with the documents in her hand and careful not to crumple them.

"The machine's broken. You can print stuff, but you can't make copies. I'll show you to the one next to the archives," he offered. "That one should be fully functional."

"Yes, please," she replied right away. As he led the way, she spoke again. "Baekhyun, I really appreciate that you're helping me out and looking out for me; I know I'm a bit clumsy at times. You're really sweet to me since day one, and before working here I really didn't expect anybody to be so nice to me."

"No problem. I'm happy to help. I'm glad I made your internship experience one of a kind," he beamed at her angelically but also with a magnetic stare. She did not even notice that he had opened the door for her as he brought her to a small room. "And here we are," he announced, pointing at the machine. "A functional photocopier, finally, but a rather old one. Do you know how to use it?"

"I'll...figure it out," she shrugged. She thought that Baekhyun probably had other stuff to do, so she did not want to take up too much of his time.

"I have time for a quick demonstration," he grinned, and proceeded to show her which buttons to press, but she missed out on it because she had to turn around to sneeze. Ugh, it was a dusty room. And she sneezed again! And again! And she dropped her goddamn files so she quickly crouched to pick them up, ugh.

"Bless you," Baekhyun said, and reached out to tuck behind her ear the disobedient strands of her hair that flew loose. But she was also about to do exactly that, as she had not expected him to do it for her, so when she reached up, she ended up touching and holding his hand instead.

It took her a moment to realize what she had done. She knew she should let go of his hand, but it seemed her body was not accepting instructions from her brain at the moment; please try again later. Her eyes widened and she ended up locking gazes with Baekhyun — and he did not show any intention of wanting to move his hand away from a position at which he could be conveniently caressing her cheek, either.

The last time she was so physically close to him was yesterday, when he tried to prevent her from directly confronting the (ex-)Director. She was reminded of how he pushed her against the wall in one deft motion, moving so swiftly it was as if he was not even human. Truly, he was NEVER clumsy. He was flawless; it was no joke.

"So," he spoke, his voice low. She had instinctively felt that he was thinking what she was thinking too. "You're not going to push me away this time?"

She remained silent, unable to come up with any response. She only looked at his perfect face with a soft stare, not sure how to feel about this situation.

He bit his lip lightly as he observed her facial expressions. "Guess not," he mumbled, and leaned in to kiss her.

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