Chapter 10: Confrontation

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To an outsider, Naeun probably had the best luck ever as she got to kiss not one but two extremely attractive guys in one day. But in her eyes, she had the worst luck ever. She could not believe she had to run into Baekhyun on the way to the washroom, and the door was not even in sight yet so she could not even run inside to hide. He stood right in front of her, effectively blocking her way.

"Excuse me," she said, her voice trembling as she tried to remain neutral and polite.

Her attempt to hold in her tears had failed as one of her insensitive co-workers who quickly passed her and Baekhyun by had sniggered at the two of them and said jokingly, "get a room, you two. We don't want to hear you guys."

When Baekhyun, of course, did not budge, Naeun snarled at him. "Get out of the way!"

He sighed at her. "I just wanted to apologize."

"Save it." She folded her arms across her chest. "Did you do all of that just to seduce me? Show me around, help me out, look out for me..."

"No," he answered firmly. Although he could be an excellent liar, this time he was not lying to her. He was already being kind to her even before he knew how special she was and her relation to Kyungsoo.

"Why did you do that then? Why did you kiss me? Why?!" She demanded. "Tell me honestly."

"I don't know," he replied calmly. He could not explain it to her. It was not his place to tell her about her angel blood. And even if he had told her the truth about angels and vampires and monsters and demons...she might not have believed him.

Suddenly somebody grabbed Baekhyun by the shoulder and shoved him into the wall. Yixing.

"Aren't you done harassing her yet?" Yixing hissed.

Naeun glanced at neither men but instead took this chance to bolt into the bathroom, not at all eager to witness their confrontation.


"Why are you getting so worked up over this?" Baekhyun asked, still calm and collected. "And don't tell me it's because you have feelings for her. You can't expect me to believe that a demon like you would fall for her."

"Likewise, a monster like you would not fall for her either, so stay away from her, alright? I don't know what ulterior motive you've got, but I'll make mine clear now. My mission," Yixing explained angrily. "She's my mission. Her soul."

"Ooh, interesting," Baekhyun drawled, laughing lightly. "I suggest you unhand me, because when I kissed her — didn't go further than that, if you need that reassurance — I got access to an obscene amount of information about her desires, and you're probably going to find it useful if you want to seduce her. And you're actually right about her not being into vanilla stuff."

"It's already gonna be a great help if you simply cooperate by keeping your distance from her," Yixing scowled. Was he not good enough to attract her and lure her in? He let go of Baekhyun but was reluctant to accept anybody's help.

Baekhyun shook his head and cracked his knuckles. "If there's one thing you demons have in common with humans, it's gotta be your ego. It'd be a pity if you let that get in the way of your mission's success, wouldn't it?" He chuckled. "You did basically just admit that you need help. So just sit back, and let me give you what you need," he offered sensually.


For the rest of the day, Naeun did not speak a word to Yixing. It seemed Baekhyun also stayed out of her way. She felt really crappy because she was actually horny since this morning, but then her feelings were also hurt. She wanted the D and by that she did not mean Disrespect.

Luckily, she had only half an hour to go till she could be off work. But of course, some shit had to happen. She thought that Yunhee was absent today so she would be safe from her wrath, and indeed throughout today that was true, until it was not. Apparently she had returned to the office as Naeun could hear her voice outside and the characteristic sounds of her heels. She seemed to exchange a brief word with Minseok before striding briskly and somewhat evilly right into the interns' room, causing them to have to greet her reluctantly.

"Interns," she said crisply, keeping her nose in the air. "As you know, Phase I of our campaign is complete. You'll find in here all the data collected from the interviews," she explained, handing a USB to them. "The next step requires us to collate and analyze the data, so we need transcripts of everything each respondent said. Your job is to transcribe. I'd do it myself, but I'm not feeling well today," she claimed, plastering a smile across her face. "I'm sure you'll be able to finish it within today. It should take about 5 hours, if you don't slack."

"5 hours?" Naeun frowned. "But we're half an hour away from —"

"Oh, am I imposing on your time? That's alright; I'll just tell your boss and our new Director that you're too good to be helping out with our department's biggest project so far," Yunhee replied sardonically. "I just don't think they'd be too pleased to hear that, especially since the new Director-nim wants to see the presentation tomorrow first thing in the morning."

"That's unreasonable!" Naeun protested.

Yixing, on the other hand, did not seem to be too upset. "You can count on us. We'll get it done as soon as possible," he replied confidently.

"'Us'? Oh, I'm afraid not." She shook her head wickedly before turning to Naeun. "I was told by Mr Kim that you did a Statistics course last semester and got really good grades for it too. Maybe you can put your knowledge and skills to use this time and show us how good you really are," she smirked, knowing that Naeun would suffer and hate to have to do this all on her own. "As for you, Yixing, I'm sure you can focus on other tasks or help the other managers. So, I'll leave you to it. Chop-chop."

With that, she whirled and strutted confidently into Baekhyun's office where he was sitting in his chair idly, spinning around. She locked the door and turned back to him seductively. Barely able to conceal her eagerness, she unzipped her one-piece dress, letting it drop to the floor. She stepped out of it, revealing the lingerie and garter set underneath.

"Well," Baekhyun smirked in anticipation, licking his lips too. "What can I do for you, noona?"

"Bend me over your table and fuck me hard."

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