Chapter 04: Recovery

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That night, Naeun was discharged from the hospital and was sent home. She found her appetite again but as it was late, she had a fairly simple meal and went to sleep. She had not forgotten that she had to get up a bit earlier to make time for breakfast with her strikingly handsome new colleague Yixing.

"Are you feeling better now?" He inquired gently over the first meal of the day, happy to see that she was eagerly downing the omelette.

"Yeah! I feel like I've been healed from the bottom of my soul," she answered giddily. "And of course, it puts me in an even better mood just to think that I get to see you." She had no idea why she said that, but it was how she felt.

He beamed. "Then you'll have to stay healthy so you can see me every day, won't you?"

"Hmm, yes, I suppose so," she nodded, continuing to happily wolf down her breakfast. After all, she had not eaten properly in almost 2 days.

"Feels good to be happy and healthy again, eh?" He asked.

"That's right!" She smiled.

He smiled to himself as well. It was going to be easy for him to seduce her and lure her into his trap once he figured out everything that made her feel good. It was not written in her profile — the files he got from Yifan to read through the other day — that she was so special, but to Yixing it only made this mission more thrilling. With the angel blood pumping in her veins, she could be turned into the most dangerous demon ever. And he knew how exhilarated he was by danger.


The hustle and bustle of the office did little to stop the manager Yunhee, whose birthday was yesterday, from approaching one of the most handsome men there.

"Baekhyun..." she said sweetly, wanting to be flirtatious yet feeling somewhat shy as she adjusted the yellow shirt that she had deliberately chosen to wear to work today in an attempt to appeal to him. "What you mentioned yesterday about the date you were thinking about taking me on after work today..."

"Oh! I'm sorry, noona. I can't do tonight. My brother's back in town and I gotta catch up with him. Let's do another day," he smiled. With that smile, he could tell her that he killed four million people and she would still forgive him in a heartbeat and ask him out again another day to finish what they started yesterday.

With Yunhee out of the way, Baekhyun went about his own business. It was not like him to cancel plans, but compared to the curious case of Naeun that he and Kyungsoo were determined to investigate, ordinary mortal human women as Yunhee meant little to him.


Naeun and Yixing sat down at their desks, once again in that small room. It was not stuffy in here but she still found it difficult to breathe at times. Especially when her eyes were on Yixing. Or when his eyes were on her. Or when the two of them exchanged eye contact. That was absolutely lethal.

This morning Naeun and Yixing would just be continuing what the two of them were not quite able to complete yesterday. Boring magazines and flyers. But the sooner they could get it done, the sooner they could move on to possibly more interesting tasks that Mr Kim had prepared for them. That prospect had kept them going.

Baekhyun entered the room, and both Naeun and Yixing looked up at him in attention. This time he was not asking for help. He was here for Naeun in particular.

"Oh! You're back so soon! Are you still feeling unwell?" He asked, looking slightly embarrassed. His façade was super convincing and did not give anything away about his conversation with Doctor Do yesterday. "I'm really sorry about yesterday. I didn't know that you were allergic to prawns."

"What?" Naeun stuttered, confused and clueless. First of all, two gorgeous men in one room — that was just too much for her to take. Secondly, she had no idea what he was talking about. "I'm not al—"

"I should've asked about your dietary preferences and intolerances first. I really didn't mean for this to happen," he continued apologetically.

She tried to explain. "Oh, no, actually, I'm not —"

"You know what, just let me pay you an apology by taking you out to dinner. It would be rude of me to not make this up to you," he offered, sounding so polite and earnest that even though she did not deserve it, she found it so difficult to turn him down.

"B-but, I —" she was at a loss for words. Her throat was dry and she could only gulp helplessly and stare at him. She could vaguely feel Yixing's curious yet piercing stare in disapproval, glancing between her and Baekhyun.

"Oh!" Baekhyun snapped his fingers and his face lit up. "I know a place not far from here, and their signature dish doesn't have prawns. How does tonight sound? And you're not allergic to steak, are you?"

She shook her head and waved her hand awkwardly. "No, no, really, you don't have to. That's too much, I'm actually no—"

"Too much? At least let me buy you coffee then. Otherwise I'll feel really bad. You like vanilla mocha?" He enquired.

At this point Yixing was pissed off that this monster was hitting on his target when he was supposed to be the one seducing her. "And what if she's not into vanilla stuff?" He piped up, drawing Baekhyun's attention and Naeun's too.


It was Minseok's voice from a distance, followed by a chuckle. "Let my interns work. Your jokes can surely wait."

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