Chapter 12: Ulterior Motive

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Yixing punched a few buttons on his phone and after a few rings, the person on the other end picked up. "Hello?"

"Junmyeon-hyung!" Yixing greeted enthusiastically, but then he heard girly moans from the other end of the line, and chuckled. "Is this a bad time?"

"Not at all, I'm having a wonderful time," Junmyeon replied slickly. "How is my favorite trainee doing?"

"Not too bad. But hyung, I need a favor," Yixing replied. "And you're the only one I can count on."

"I've been giving and receiving favors all day today. What can I do for you?" Junmyeon inquired casually. Yixing could hear the wanton, girly moans in the background ceasing, only to resume when Junmyeon grunted distantly.

"Hyung, I need a heavy rainstorm in my area in and a half hours," Yixing requested.


"Oh my goodness! We're finally done!" Naeun exclaimed, giving a big sigh of relief. The delicious dinner must have given them sufficient energy to transcribe a shit ton of interviews.

"I believe this calls for a celebration," Yixing replied happily.

"Agreed! How about a round of drinks? There's a really nice bar just a few blocks away," Naeun suggested, efficiently stowing her laptop away and tidying the documents laid out across the table. She just could not wait to leave as she had spent way too many hours here.

"Are you asking me out?" He enquired puckishly. "Because if yes, that's great, but if not, then I am. I'd love nothing more than to take you out on a date, baby."

That was kind of a lie. What he was really after was her soul and he also wanted to claim her body. Maybe if he were not a demon...he would have the chance to properly date her. But despite his feelings for her, he was here on a mission, and nothing could change that. It was more important to get that done first. Once completed, she would be turned into a demon and undergo training just as he had done. Then, the two of them could go out as a demon couple, which sounded feasible.

She set her bag on the desk and turned around to face him. "You're serious about me, then?"

"Yes, baby," he answered, and once again shot her the smile that he had worn on the first day of work when she saw his face for what she thought was the first time — a heartwarming, bright smile, but when looked at from certain angles it was also impish enough to be a smirk. "Shall we go?"


Yixing checked his watch. What he asked for he should get any Upon exiting the building, the two of them began to feel droplets of water hitting their faces, splattering onto their clothes too. In a matter of seconds it was raining heavily already.

"Oh, shit," Naeun face-palmed and whined. "I didn't bring my umbrella with me today!"

"Me neither," Yixing sighed. "But there might be some spares back at the office? I'm not sure."

"I'm so not going back there. It's so late already and the lights are off; it's gonna be creepy as fuck," Naeun shuddered.

"Well, I'm not going to let the weather ruin our date," Yixing said firmly as he began to take off his jacket which Naeun watched and treated as a part of a striptease. "You don't mind, do you?" He asked, holding his jacket above his head and extending it to shelter her too.

"Nope," she answered. Of course she did not mind getting to snuggle up to him and have his body close to hers. A perfect excuse was presented to her and was she about to just let this opportunity slip right out of her fingertips? NO.

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