Meeting the Subjects

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A loud beeping noise could be heard as the hostile lab unit opened. This is where the most hostile subjects were kept. Either they were to strong or sneaky to be kept where the others are. Anianu was as usual glitching and pacing the small room she had.

(This is Anianu^^) She always acted as if she was talking to someone

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(This is Anianu^^)
She always acted as if she was talking to someone. As soon as she saw the person at the front of the door her image became corrupted and she floated over her eyes going black and her voice going glitchy as she laughed. The person moved onto the next room. This is where Liam was kept.

He was shapeshifting into different animals

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He was shapeshifting into different animals. A lion, a bear, a wolf you name it. He growled as the person moved onto the next cell. This is where Evi was kept.

She was different because her dad ran the facility

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She was different because her dad ran the facility. Her metal arms and ears and tail. She went Into her wolf form and pounced at the metal door of the room growling at the person checking on them

 She went Into her wolf form and pounced at the metal door of the room growling at the person checking on them

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(Evi's wolf form^^)
He moved onto the next room. This is where Demon was kept. The small winged child.

she wasn't as hostile but was still dangerous

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she wasn't as hostile but was still dangerous. She was currently curled up in the small mattress on the floor her sharp ended tail curled around her.
In the next room was Ziana and Zilola

 In the next room was Ziana and Zilola

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The twins that could teleport. One had a dark blue dress and one braid with dark blue flowers (Zilola) and the other had a lighter blue dress with two braids and white flowers. (Ziana) in the next room was one of the most dangerous. Mythia. She looks innocent but has strong dark magic that can kill in an Instant. She was as usual chained in the back of the room with chains that prevented her magic.

she was as usual trying to escape

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she was as usual trying to escape. Tanking at the chains. Her eyes glowing with anger as she glared at the person passing. The person continued taking notes on all the subjects and walked out of the facility dropping off the notes at Evi's dad's desk.

Ok so sorry it was short but this was just Introducing all of the characters. I'll try to publish every day! If I don't I'll try and let you know. Most of the room is taken up by photos. But this is just so you can see what they look like. What will happen next? Give me your feed back!
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