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Anianu's POV
"All of you Introduce yourselves...."
I floated down so my feet were touching the floor as i went back into my normal version with the teal hoodie and and black lines on it with jeans and the bloody gnashes across my face. I was ready to attack at any moment. The small winged child shyly walked up to me and smiled showing sharp fangs and spoke quietly. "H-hey...I'm Demon.." I smiled slightly and spoke. "I'm Anianu." She smiled before wrapping her wings around herself and walking away. All of the others didn't say anything. They were more cautious. I walked over to them. First I approached the blue haired boy. He didn't seem much for conversation. "The name's Anianu." I put my hand out. He slowly took my hand. And shook it. "Liam.."  I walked over to the wolf girl she growled as I approached but I continued to walk...,that was a bad idea. She shoved me and I laughed. "What is this-*glitch* some Highschool fight." I glitched a little bit but it wasn't noticeable barley. She glared at me as she tried to attack but I quickly glitched out of the way. "Nope"
She tried again but I glitched away. This went on for a while before I got fed up. "Ok that's it.." I floated and turned Into my corrupted version. "YoU waNt tO pLaY tHaT gAme lEts pLAY...." Black smoke surrounded her as she floated. But before it could suffocate her one of the workers shot a dart. She fell from the grip of the smoke. Everything went blurry. This isn't the first time I've been shot with a dart. I collapsed and everything went dark. I didn't even get to meet everyone. It's not like I wanted to. But I had to screw everything up....

welp that's it for this chapter! Hope you liked it!
~Error out!~

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